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  • Erm...

    Fairly OK essay, concise, but lacks depth and has some grammar problems. First off, the name of the male character isn't Joe, it's Jody. Second of all, if you're going to call to mind Janie's various relationships in the book, there is NO way that you can leave out her relationship with Tea-Cake, her last husband, the one that brought her the most joy. I would say that this essay is incomplete just on that basis, and anyone who wants to use it for themselves would have to append a paragraph or two regarding Janie and Tea-Cake.The grammar in this essay has a few hits and misses, especially when dealing with quotes out of the novel.Other than that, the essay is short, to the point, and fairly well covers the first 2/3rds of the novel.
    • 01/05/2003
    • 20:21:09
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Nicely written

    Nice essay, lots of references to the text, complete with quotes and citations. Personally, however, I cannot completely agree with the argument made regarding Gertrude's behavior, as I feel it is also necessary to point out that in that day, women were groomed from birth towards a certain standard of behavior, in this case, towards being a seemingly delicate blossom, ready to bend to the will of the above-mentioned patriarchal society. If they behaved in any other way, they would have no hope of rising to any sort of social rank. Just my two cents. Overall, good essay, concise and to the point.
    • 28/04/2003
    • 20:40:54
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • S'ok

    Fairly straightforward, nice content of dates and such specifics, but the grammar could use a little work.
    • 28/04/2003
    • 20:31:01
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.