User Details For: opptics

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  • Alright....

    This paper was alright, but ya know its extremely short, im really not sure if three paragraphs even equals an entire page. I also really couln't tell what the paper was specifically address but i got the main point by the time i read it all.......
    • 29/04/2003
    • 22:59:41
    • Score: 2 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Good

    I Liked this paper, this is the first i've posted, many more to follow, so long as the site is as good as it claims. Not sure if i can rate my own but if you need a great "source essay" for an art class describing the period with all sorts of extra crap this is def. a big help...peace
    • 29/04/2003
    • 22:55:14
    • Score: 3 out of 4 people found this comment useful.