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  • Ok essay

    I think this essay grasp the basic of the book but there is a deeper meaning that this particular person didnt dig deep into. The title of the book is the Awakening, which is the main theme in this book the awakening to the fact Edna doesnt want to be married and doesnt want to live the life her husband expects here to the Creolo way. She is not a Creolo yet is surrounded by them. There soceity is much differen then what she believes. She doesnt think she should have to be at home with the children doing wife things and does like the fact that she must stay at the house to wait for callers. I think this essay is good in the aspect that it braod but there is way more to this story. Its a great book!
    • 07/05/2003
    • 20:07:58
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.