User Details For: Tawnz

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  • Just a thought...

    maybe you would like to talk about how Hitler was in the first world war and came off as a trust-worthy man so thats why people believed in what he said. They didn't just fall for his lies, he made them sound truthful. All in all, the essay is insightful..good job!
    • 30/12/2003
    • 11:34:11
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • Interesting

    It was good how you portrayed your thoughts and opinions about the movie very thoroughly. I feel you should have complemented it more, for the viewers who actually did like the movie, even if there wasn't that much good to say. If it was that bad, you could have written more about what you didn't like or put more disciption in certian areas. In the end, i didn't really feel like you convinced me that it was so bad to not see it.
    • 16/11/2003
    • 14:28:59
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Good Work!

    I think you have captured the story to a tee. The understanding and reconizing of how a child would feel like in that situation is very well described. It would be very interesting to someone who didn't read the book..just don't forget to put quotations when needed.
    • 12/10/2003
    • 17:48:51
    • Score: 1 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • How Interesting...

    Well well well, your essay is very good and lookes very..famillar :P...hope u get as good as I do! BuhBye!
    • 27/05/2003
    • 22:01:03
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.