User Details For: Kathleen564

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  • Truth?

    Great essay, I would love to know what you think of the way that the world is presented in Bartleby. Is the way we view the world a forgery? I think that melville opens a lot of issues on the way we categorise the world.
    • 01/06/2003
    • 19:02:31
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Fanny Hill

    This presents some interesting issues, if you are interested in reading" classic erotica" then you should give fanny hill a read. I think the main difference between books like fanny hill and "porn" is that the females in erotica are largely empowered by their sexuality and the females in "porn" are often dehumanised. I think someone famous once said that the difference was in the " subjects stare ". when you can identify with the subject, it isn't just an object but a person.
    • 31/05/2003
    • 00:43:59
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.