User Details For: jessyc3701

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  • Eleanor Roosevelt

    This essay to me was satisfatory, it did involve much of her accomplishments but some questions that were not fulfilled were the activities about Eleanor that reveal the limitations on women in the early twentieth century. A good source that you can get more information on Eleanor is "thinking through the past" A Critical Thinking Approach to U.S. History by John Hollitz, Chapter 7.
    • 30/04/2002
    • 00:27:43
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • I dont know

    This piece of literature was very insightful. It made me think harder about the questions that were being asked. The poem flowed very well from one point to another. It seems as it was written for people to contemplate on. Overall it was very good.
    • 13/03/2002
    • 20:51:20
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.