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  • An OKAY essay

    It's informative, but it didn't really flow, u tended to list your ideas. It's like u're just connecting dot points of his achievements and why they were needed for success. Furthermore, you need paragraphs and the general vocabulary could have been better. eg. "Stalin has shown through his dubious methods of gaining power that he is a shrewed and cunning statesman. But will he be actually better for the USSR(not just Russia as written in the 2nd last paragraph)?"
    • 11/08/2003
    • 00:35:07
    • Score: 4 out of 4 people found this comment useful.
  • An informative Song dynasty essay

    A very informative essay particularly on the artistic style in the Song dynasty... But there's still some problems1) When was the Song dynasty2) Who was the artist as stated in paragraph 23) If the title is "Dynastic Chinese History Paintings & Ceramics", then what about the other dynasties, eg. tang, qing, etc...But other than those, it's really not bad!
    • 04/07/2003
    • 21:26:23
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.