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  • This essay is very logical

    i enjoyed reading the essay. not all of it but your conclusion was perfectly done. it is a good question you put at the end. this question made me very sad because this is a fact. what will the next generation look like when all their parents are influenced by drugs? teenagers today are destroying their future and they are destroting the next generation after them. therefore it is a fact that we need to face. parents today need to teach their children the risks of drugs and how can they face it because if teenagers want to continue taking drugs. it is their choice as long as they see it cool but they want to destroy their lives therefore they have to make sure they are not destroying any other lives with them. they must be responsible. they are laughing now and they think it is cool but in fact they will cry more when they recognize its risks and when they live it.
    • 20/04/2002
    • 11:23:12
    • Score: 3 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • This essay is so great.

    this essay is great. i am studying this novel "a separate peace" this year in my school and i think john knowles wrote this novel because he thinks he is the one responsible for his best friend's death and he wrote this novel because he is feeling guilty and he could not forgive himself. his best friend finny was the best friend he ever had in his life. gene thought that finny was trying to act bossy and this made him jeoulos of his friend. this jelousy made gene kill his best friend. my point or what i am trying to say is that every one of us might think that people around are better than him or hate him but the point is that every body should have second thoughts. these second thoughts could save thinking about an event during your life.
    • 19/04/2002
    • 23:00:52
    • Score: 5 out of 6 people found this comment useful.