User Details For: cadenza

Essay List
Comments List
  • Good essay!

    I enjoyed reading your essay, it was brief but very informative. As so many of the central Asian countries are overlooked these days, it's nice to have such a well-written piece of writing to enrich one's knowledge. Congratulations on a great piece of work.
    • 03/01/2004
    • 22:44:31
    • Score: 7 out of 7 people found this comment useful.
  • Why students cheat on exams

    Good essay, apart from a few spelling/grammatical things. Perhaps a few more examples of how students cheat, not just that they do, and perhaps you could have mentioned some of the consequences of cheating, but good work, overall
    • 08/11/2003
    • 18:07:45
    • Score: 6 out of 7 people found this comment useful.