User Details For: zseanz

Essay List
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  • reference

    Is there any way to know the references for this essay??? Will love to see them
    • 01/03/2011
    • 21:41:04
    • Score: not rated
  • The Ethics of Nuclear Power

    As a written product, this essay is reasonable good, but as a product of reasoning and research it is a failure. The writer mentions the Vermont Yankee incident, but does not mention either Three Mile Island or Chernobyl, which are much more significant. Further, the writer fails to mention the problems involved with the decommissioning of nuclear power plants and the fact that they leave high-level radioactive waste which will remain dangerous for thousands of years. The essay appears based on a single article rather than anything approaching objective research. In short, I would not consider this essay credible without balancing counter-views.
    • 27/11/2010
    • 12:05:11
    • Score: not rated