Lady Chatterley's Lover

By D.H. Lawrence

Lady Chatterley's Lover's achievements?

Ultimately, the novel's achievement is that it renders so sensitively the female consciousness. Anais Nin proclaimed that Lawrence had '...a complete realisation of the feelings of women...' which enabled him to ' my work for women, better than the suffrage.' He intimately explores Connie's sensibilities throughout the novel, revealing the range other sensations, the depth other sexual passion, and the power of feeling to change the self, and his belief in sex as the 'deepest of all communions' leads him to represent the experience of it, rather than, as the Victorians had, the moral implications of it. At the novel's close, 'John Thomas says good-night to lady Jane, a little droopingly, but with a hopeful heart...' and Lawrence himself, in presenting a work which addressed sexual issues so overtly, can be seen to have said 'goodnight' to his contemporary reputation, but with a 'hopeful heart' that his generation may have been able to learn sommething about themselves through his work.