Sense and Sensibility

By Jane Austen

Further Reading

Bush, D., Jane Austen, (London and New York, 1975).

Butler, M., Jane Austen and the War of Ideas, (Oxford, 1975).

Harding, D. W., "Regulated Hatred: An Aspect of the Work of Jane Austen", Scrutiny 8 (1939-40), pp. 346-62

Hardy, B., A Reading of Jane Austen, (London and New York, 1976).

Lascelles, M., Jane Austen and her Art, (Oxford, 1939).

Litz, W., Jane Austen: A Study of her Artistic Development, (London and New York, 1965).

Monaghan, D., Jane Austen: Structure and Social Vision, (London and New Jersey, 1981).

Mooneyham, L., Romance, Language and Education in Jane Austen's Novels, (London and New York, 1988).

Mudrick, M., Jane Austen: Irony as Defense and Discovery, (Princeton and London, 1952).

Page, N., The Language of Jane Austen, (Oxford, 1972).

Roberts, W., Jane Austen and the French Revolution, (New York, 1979).

Showalter, E., A Literature of their Own: British Women Novelists from Brontë to Lessing, (Princeton, 1977).

Southam, B., ed., Critical Essays on Jane Austen, (London and New York, 1968).

Southam, B., ed., Jane Austen: The Critical Heritage, (London and New York, 1968).

Spencer, J., The Rise of the Woman Novelist: From Aphra Behn to Jane Austen, (Oxford, 1986).

Tanner, T., Jane Austen, (Cambridge, Mass., 1986).

Todd, J. (ed.), Jane Austen: New Perspectives, (New York, 1983).

Woolf. V., "Jane Austen", in The Common Reader, (London, 1925).