The Interpretation of Dreams

By Sigmund Freud

Further Reading

Appignanesi, R. (et al), Freud for Beginners (1990)

Freud, S., (trans. Strachey, J.) New Introductory lectures on Psychoanalysis (1965)

Gay, P., Freud: A life for our time (1998)

Mitchell, S.A., and Black, M., Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought (1996)

Nue, J. (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Freud (Cambridge University Press, 1998)

Sckroyd, E., A Dictionary of Dream Symbols: With an introduction to Dream Psychology (1993)

Vedfelt, O., (trans. Tindall, K.) The Dimensions of Dreams: The nature, function and interpretation of Dreams (1999)

Weiss, L., Dream Analysis in Psychotherapy (1992)