Browse Our Essays: The Dismissal of Gough Whitlam.
The Dismissal of Gough Whitlam.
Alexander Pope.
The Murray Darling Basin.
Discuss how Twelfth Night is structured into becoming a comedy masterpiece of all time ?
Ethics in Business.
Sleep and Anger.
Biography on Robert Goddard.
The influence of Australian women on Modernism in Australian Art.
How does Margaret Atwood portray women in Alias Grace?
Did the Macdonald governments effectively tackle unemployment and poverty from the depression in 1929 up to 1935?
Two soliloquies.
Habitat Selection of Terrestrial Isopods.
This is a research seminar summary about Fungal Pathogenesis and explains some physiological pathogenic characteristics in fungi.
What "Great Expectations" reveals about the true nature of a gentleman.
The Tragic Heroes of Macbeth: This essay presents two characters other than Macbeth that might be considered the tragic heroes.
Don Quixote and what type of charcter he portays.
To Clone or Not to Clone.
Stuff about electricity , atoms, and electrons.
Crime and Punishment.
Genes and genetic engineering.
Alternative Energy.
That history contains errors will not come as news to a person who has reflected on the topic.
"Streetcar named Desire" by Tennessee Williams.
Many homeschoolers are teaching their children through an approach called unschooling.
In October 1859, German physicist Gustav Kirchhoff announced the results of his investigations with chemist Robert Bunsen on the dark lines that interrupt the otherwise continuous solar spectrum.
Damn the Torpedoes. Full Speed Ahead!
The Seven Pillars of Life
Cosmology and 21st-Century Culture
Dispute Resolution: Managing Team Conflict.
Alternative sentences for Juvenile Delinquents.
Violent offenders on Parole
Social Issues in criminal Justice which involves Guns.
Gun exchange programs.
Conflicting Goals for the U.N. Resolution.
Why do some scholars say there is a conflict between judicial review and representative democracy?
The American Government.
Dreams. From why we dream to how to control them.
Vodafone Australia (situation Analysis).
"Wag the Dog" - Film Review.
Patterns in the Mind, summative essay on Ray Jackendoff's book on language and human nature.
"Neighbour Rosicky" by Willa Cather.
"The Closing Door" by Angelina Weld Grimké.
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and Ichabod Crane.
Major Themes and Symbols in "The Scarlet Letter".
A step by Step guide to writing essays on poems.
Beleske budizmu, hriscanstvu i islamu.
"Farewell to Manzanar" An essay on the book Farewell to Manzanar.
The Value of a College Education.
Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo an analysis of a the scene after Madeline falls into the water.
Global warming.
The Rise of Communism in Russia.
This essay talks about how to start you own club having to do with amnesty international, the human rights organization.
Virtuosity in the Romantic Period.
A research oral on the existence and nature of chamber music before 1750.
An analysis of Bach's prelude and fugue no.6 book 1 and brief biography of bach.
The Causes of World War I.
Write an essay comparing one Judith Wright poem and one Gwen Harwood poem with an issue or theme from The Wedding of Zein.doc.
HIV/AIDS epidemic - the major causes and possible correspondence.
Marcel Duchamp and Max Enrst and Dadaism!
Summary of The Third Man.
Musicology - bebop. a brief description and history of the 'bebop' jazz style.
"Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller - What was wrong with Willy's dreams?
Freedom of speech in Hong Kong.
A Morning in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Teacher's notes on Past Tenses for those who learn English as a foreing language.
Study notes on Metaphysical Poetry.
"Mice and Men" By john Steinbeck
Popular Culture: Is Kowinki's Theory Regarding Shopping Malls having an iconic image valid?
HG wells sustaining tension.
Racism, a certain kind of prejudice.
A comparison between the novel and movie, "The Grapes of Wrath".
A comparison between the 1920's and the 1980's.
Pythagoras of Samos and his mathematical theories.
The Hobbit: Biblo Baggins Character Growth.
A rant about electronic privacy issues.
Origins and misuse of the human genome project for a for profit basis only.
"Nickel and Dimed" by Barbara Ehrenreich.
David M. Kennedy's book "Freedom from Fear".
Concepts of Computer Science and Programming: OOP and others
William Shakespeare's life and works.
What is the difference between a revolution and a war for independence?
The US Presdential Election.
Avril Lavigne- not just an ordinary artist.
The Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Australian Experience in the Vietnam War.
"Broken Lives" By Estelle Blackburn.
Describing how the society has stereotypically defined a male and femal, boy and girl.
A look at how American society muddles through its claim of "morality".
Describing the process of recruiting minors into group counselign within the public school division
"Lines Written in Early Spring," by William Wordsworth.
Internet Gambling.
Assignment on Stonehenge.
"The catcher in the rye" - JD Salinger.
Atomic Energy: Good and Bad; explains the pros and cons of atomic energy and whether the good outweighs the bad.
"The Light in the Forest" by Conrad Richter.
Unified Modeling Language - an Introduction/overview.
A moral view on gays in the military.
How Children and family affect consumer behavior. The influence of children on purchase desisions.
Should Free Speech Apply to "Hate" Speech?
In Today's Technological Society, is the Push Towards a "Wired" Educational Environment Hindering Students' Ability and Opportunity to Acquire Needed Basic Skills in the Classroom?
George Orwell's "Animal Farm".
Essay on Adolf Hitler and his rise to dicatorship. Question: Discuss Afdolf hitler and his rise to dictatorship
Cuba as a Totalitaztan regime.
The essay is about a mother and daughter who go to a restaurant and are in culture shock.
"The Red Room" by H.G.Wells.
"Masque of Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe.
A summary of Romeo and Juliet.
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
"A Midsummer Night's Dream".
Theme Analysis of Beowulf.
Business Ethics and Contemporary Corporate Thought.
Imagery in Shakespeare's "Hamlet".
Chinua Achebe's tragic work "Things Fall Apart".
"The Universe, And Everything" by Douglas Adams.
The assignment was to sit for 20 min and observe, and then to write about it. I chose to write about a starbucks encounter.
The assignment was to write a modest proposal in the style of John Swift's modest proposal, and I wrote about the college application process.
Understand the latest internet speaking language as IPv6.
"Siddhartha" , by Herman Hesse.
Plato's Republic.
Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy.
Should Australia Sign The Kyoto Agreement?
A view from the Bridge.
Heart of Darkness.
Anorexia Treatment.
Determining the concentration of a limewater solution.
How does light intensity affect the rate of photosynthesis?
The Film Wall Street Ethics Paper.
The Magical Healing Needles of Acupuncture.
Home Spoken Foreign Language.
Harry S. Truman.
Jean Jacques Rousseau.
Functions of Management.
Macbeth's Pain -- How does Macbeth's pain make this Shakesperean play a tragedy?
"Fahrenheit 451", by Robert Frost.
"Hiroshima" By John Hersey.
"The Pamphlet" by Thomas Paine".
"There eyes were watching god" by Zora Hurston.
The Women of Full Metal Jacket.
Is Henry V the "star of england" or a flawed human being. Analysis of a modern day and Shakespearean audience's reaction to the way Henry V is portrayed.
An analysis of the Maya Angelou poem , "To a man".
"The Adoption Papers" by Jackie Kay.
What contribution does Cassio make to the concerns and effects of the play 'Othello'?
Franz kafka "Before the Law".
Liberty, Equality, and Justice.
Sylvia Plath-a short biography on her life.
Book review on how reader is positioned to react, colonial relationships within the text, and realism of the text.
Amazon rainforest, past, present and future uses.
Brief story about Doctor Zhivago.
A paper talking about the difference from the book and the novel "1984".
Composition I Essay on Caroline Bird's "The Case Against College".
Composition II, Short Essay on Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado".
Composition II, Short Eassay on Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher".
English Composition I, Opinion paper on what The Perfect High School would be...
Composition I short paper on Police Brutality with works cited.
Composition I essay on Police Stereotypes.
Composition I short essay on the American Educational System...
Intro to Pyschology mid term. Work Related Stress -- what it is and to combat it.
The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust
Henri Cartier-Bresson photos analysed: Martin Luther King, 1961 and Mademoiselle Chanel, 1964 (in relation to the question [question in text body])
Artist: Lewis Wickes Hine Photo Analysis: ?Powerhouse Mechanic 1921?
Solar power: photovoltaics The journey from photons to electrons
How far is it true to say that the Weimar Republic was doomed from its foundation?
Discuss how the poets present their views on old age in 'Old Man, Old Man' and 'Warning'
How the internet has changed time and space, from a modernist perspective.
How a voter's social class affects their choice of political party.
Do Deflationary Gaps Self-Destruct?
Indexation with reference to Brazil.
'How events in the life of poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning influenced her changing literary style' -
Ethnic Clashes.
This essay is about trusting oneself and how to build confidence in a person.
When Hedda Gabler was first produced, some audiences were shocked.
A comparison of the imagery and language in "The handmaid's tale" and Judith Wright's poems
Malcom X biography.
Will the World Be Able to Feed Itself in the Foreseeable Future?
"The Lord of the flies" Book review.
Gullievers Book 5 Made up Adventure too add on to the end of the story.
"Built to Last".
Acid Rain - Causes and effects.
The Hurricane movie analysis.
The American Revolution.
This essay defines depression, symptoms of depression, causes of depression, and treaments for it.
This essay is about the life if Johannes Guttenberg.
This essay is about Hawaiian people.
Galileos life.
Germany: The Root of the Cold War?
Notes on Latin American Independence, 19th century nationalism, and Industrial revolution (G.H 3)
A description and analysis of the novel "Fahrenheit 451".
This is a rather indepth essay with a bibliography.
Review notes for G.H 4.
A main focus on the allusions and comedy within the novel as well as references to the allusions to Hamlet throughout the novel.
The French Revolution: Assess the view that the main cause of the French revolution was popular discontent.
Personal Learning Styles.
Effective ways to improve communication between teenagers and their parents.
How being raised on a tocacco farm changed my beliefs
Can Unconfessed sins destroy the Soul?
Annalysis of the conflicts of Biff Loman (Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman) and how they are resolved.
The American Revolution as a conservative movement.
Myth Comparisons.
The Fall of the Roman Empire.
Sex Education and Teens.
Right Brain, Left Brain.
"Peace for All".
Commentary on Yeats' poem, "Leda and the Swan".
Short Review of Santa Clause 2.
This is a paper about Apollo 13.
Washinton Irving Compare and Contrast.
The impact of the fast food movement on the slow food movement.
Genetically Engineered Foods-Are They Really Helpful?
Research Proposal on olfaction and gestation.
A research paper on cocaine, and its effects on the user.
Dino Compagni's notion that internal discord was the result of Florentine discord.
The Bottlenose Dolphin.
Traveling is Educational.
Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Lorenzo de Medici, and Pope Julius II.
Macbeth's altered destiny and the role of the three witches.
"The Alchemist" Revised version of previous essay.
Love, wealth and Ambition's roles in Great Expectations.
Similarities and differences between Odysseus and Theseus, Jason, Hercules, and Perseus.
Revenge in Romeo and Juliet with specific examples from the text.
Russian Revolution: how the Russian revoution came about.
"No Sugar": analysis of the play.
The Great Pyramid of Giza.
Do we perceive reality directly through our senses? is it possible the reality that we experience is different to the one in which we actually exist?
Women in ancient societies.
Mexican War.
The structure of DNA and protein synthesis.
Othello an essay on the characterization of Iago and Othello, the two main characters.
The Canterbury Tales story of the Pardoner.
"The Decameron" by Boccacio.
Wealth and power.
Ben Franklin.
The Strategic Analysis of Conseco Inc.
Is Activist Hacking Illegal?
Pros and Cons of No Child Left Behind Act.
Death Penalty: why it is moral and humane.
How Ritalin can help.
"The Crucible" by Arthur Miller and also discusses the four themes, hypocrisy, authority, guilt, and hysteria.
Jewish community has changed New York City and some of the famous Jewish people who were born in the city.
Provides you with all the things you have to know about rotavirus.
The Events Leading To WWI
How Fedex became the success that it is today.
Suddenly the phone went dead .
Lady Macbeth is the real driving force behind the murder of Duncan.
"Small Gods" - Terry Pratchett.
"East Moors" by Gillian Clarke with Welsh Landscape by R.S.Thomas.
Gas usage in America.
This essay explains the motives for Spain, France, and England exploring and expanding to the New World.
The conditions which led to the establishment of the Nazi regime in Germany in 1933 and to the Communist regime in Cuba in 1959.
The first Revolution in Russia was followed so soon by a second one.
"Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte.
How do Beckett and Kafka convey the imprisonment of the main characters in Waiting for Godot and Metamorphosis ?
Toronto and Hong Kong.
Comparing the Novel "Anne of Green Gables" to "In spite of myself" by L.M.Montgomery .
Personal Analysis of past events by Ralph (diary form).
About American author Ernest Hemingway.
Race and Ethnicity Paper.
A narrative essay about my first day of Army basic training.
"The Final Days" by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.
"The Creepy Creations of Professor Shock" by R.L. Stine.
"Fires in the Mirror".
Ramped Ignorance.
Machiavelli's "The Prince".
The Odysseus (movie review)
Purpose of punishment.
Child custody.
Merlin movie critique.
Antarctica - Polar Bears - Global Warming.
Comparing Othello's two speeches: Act I, scene iii, (126-169) & Act V, scene ii, (1-23) in relation to his feelings towards his wife, Desdemona.
Abtreibung (aborticide).
The acquired immune deficiency syndrom (AIDS).
Beowulf - Its roots in Christianity and Paganism.
Airline industry.
Cats in Ancient Egypt.
Oscar Wilde's "Picture of Dorian Gray" and the hedonistic effect on the characters.
Essay using Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan to explain electric cooperatives. Won an award and me a trip to D.C.
Will the length of wire affect the resistance?
From Life of Pain To Death: Poem about the convictions and pains of the world.
Why is the "Group of Seven" the most influential group of painters in Canada?
How is one group or ideology privileged over another in this text? (race & ethnicity in heart of darkness.)
An "My favorite Activity." Describes the practice of oboe performance, 400 page essay.
Children of divorce..
"A Separate Peace" by John Knowles.
Short story.
"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.
"The Soldier" by Rupert Brooke.
Extreme Environmental Hazards in North Korea.
Internet Growth.
Future of internet.
Technology and Business Assessment: Implementing a CRM Tool.
Transfer of Technology in Developing Country.
"Change Management" by Shagun Jain.
"Time Management" by Shagun Jain.
"Business Ethics" by Shagun Jain.
"Night" written by Elie Wiesel.
"The glass menagerie" by Tennessee Williams.
Forensic crime scene investigations.
Multi perspective essay.
"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens.
How Supreme Court Decisoins have affected American Society.
The relationship between the philosophy of Plato and the psychology of Freud.
"An Ideal Husband" by Oscar Wilde
"Sonny's Blues" written by James Baldwin.
"The House On Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros.
Kate Chopin's "Story of an Hour".
African Slaves in Virgina, (1600's).
Columbus' trip to the new world and if it was an act of Geniocide.
Technology devlopments over time.
Machiavelli's "The Prince".
Paintball FAQ.
Metallic and Ionic bonding.
Identität und Alterität in George Eliots 'The Mill on the Floss' und 'Felix Holt, The Radical'
'The Other Side', 'Act of Union' and 'The Ministry of Fear'. The schizophrenia of the two Irelands and the question of cultural identity.
Resistance in wires.
Explain Jesus' teaching about the kingdom of god as presented in the Gospel of Mark for his first disciples.
Team Charter.
Individual Organizations importance.
OB Operational Definition.
A description of some treaties with Australia held by Fiji as of 01/01/2003.
Contempory geographical issue relating to water management at Lake Parramatta, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Self-managed Teams.
Gangs and our Society.
The Great Depression: Causes and how the New Deal prolonged the Depression.
A very short paper on how JFK's New Frontier social program of welfare affected the American people.
Mind Body Medicine.
Just Another Indian.
"Hillside Strangler: A Murderer's Mind", written by Ted Schwarz.
Early psychology.
Observing Child Psychology.
"Candide" by Voltaire.
A Step of Equality and Freedom for African Americans
Non-drug methods for treatment and prevention of acne, facial blemishes, etc.
Charles Dicken's "Great Expectations".
"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck.
"Othello" by William Shakespeare.
Emergence of Modernism.
College Mentorship.
Computer crime.
Pythagoras' Theorem.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and Three Tall Women.
'The Physics of Stopping,' is an answer to whether or not the statement "safety is not related to how fast you travel, but how quickly you stop," is true.
What is speciation? Talk about Speciation and the 2 major types of it.
How has chemistry made your life better?
What is cholesterol?
Jackie Robinson and how he changed the face of not only sports but everyday life.
Ragtime-themes and motifs.
"A streetcar named desire" by Tenesse Williams.
Why did the parliamentarians not the royalists win the first British civil war?
Thomas Hardy's "Tess of the d'Urbervilles", and Margaret Laurence's "The Stone Angel".
"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley.
Research Methods Essay.
Diagnosing and Treating "John's" Phycological Problems -- sociocultural, behaviorist, and neurobiological approaches.
Culture and the Heroic Code.
The Evolution of American Expansionism.
American Imperialism in the late 1800s.
Everything about Kidney's.
Writing prompt was talk about the perfect parents. What 3 characteristics would you chance about your parents?
"Hunchback of Notre Dame" by Victor Hugo.
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain.
Mexican childbirth.
About raisin in the sun and summary.
"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.
Red Giant Stars.
Two page article about Supernova Stars.
Numbers and More Numbers.
Capital Punishment.
Loose and Strict Construction of the Constitution of the United States: political perspective on an 18th century document which governs our modern day society.
The Pros & Cons of Media.
This is a presuasive essay on Capital Punishment. This essay has a pro-capital punishment stance. Argues against common statements used to challenge the death penalty.
Psychology and me.
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) and Fiber Optic Technology.
Response to Kate Chopin's "Ripe Figs".
The russian revolution ad the people involved.
The role of a guidance counselor when sexual abuse is reported within the public school system.
The Use of Animals in Medical Research.
The Use of Animals in Medical Research.
Jesus - Who Do You Say That I Am? A Personal Response.
The God Mystery - A Personal Reflection.
Life After Death: The Renaissance Era.
Bodiless Gifts.
Globalization: A thesis on the WTO Doha Rounds.
Susan B. Anthony.
This is a concise essay on the culture of different ethnic groups in Nigeria, West Africa. I hope to paint a mosaic of the traditions and activities to readers.
Beowulf and Grendel --- Good and Evil
Essay about Tattooing as a trend in popular culture.
Gun Control.
What started ww1.
How hispanics Affect Voting Results.
World War I, military conflict.
Hostile takeover of Ivonni stores by Hondos center.
L'oral's sales structure.
Ifantis expanding to Czech republic.
WWI Had Many Underlying Causes.
The Phenomenon of Bureaucracy. Is there any exit for Ukraine?
Society make us human.
"Divine Intervention with a Mortal Hand" A satire on genetics.
This is a opinionated paper on Health care and if the government should gain profit in health care or help society for no profit gain.
"Testaments Betrayed" by Czech writer Milan Kunder.
This paper is about the differences and similarities between serial killers and murderers.
Freedom of speech in school.
Persuasive Essay against racial profiling in airports.
"The golden compass" by phillip pullman to a quote by Tennyson ("to seek, to strive, to find and not to yield."
"The Secret Sharer" and "Heart of Darkness" written by Joseph Conrad.
Wapusk National Park.
About Ludmilla Alexyeva: Coming of age During the Soviet Thaw.
This paper is about the issue of rights in the topic of censorship in music.
Campaign Slogans of 1912 Taft,Roosevelt,Bryan.
Corporate Intranets.
The Concept of Beauty What is & what is not? How important is it and how much do you owe to evolution.
"A Streetcar Named Desire" by Tennessee Williams.
"The Crucible" by Author Miller.
Essay on world war one.
Strategic marketing Management of Dell - Analysing Harvard Business School case "Dell - The New Horizon"
The prospects of reducing the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan.
I need help with this essay, read the end to understand
The Berlin Airlift.
The essay is based of 9/11.
Geopolitics, Imperialism & the New World War on Iraq.
The nature of Trade Zones in India.
Use and misuse of animals.
Different Biomes of the world.
The Mysteries Of The Indus Valley Civilization.
Contends that Huxley's vision was not of a utopia, but of a distopia.
Macbeth, a Critical Analysis.
A War of the Ages.
The Scarlet Letter: A Psychological Analysis.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
The Dynamics of Character.
Piri Thomas' "Alien House".
A Study on Southwest Airlines.
Ethics in Business.
Detailed description on the Element Iridium.
Western literature has few epics of any real greatness. Of these, The Epic of Gilgamesh is by far the oldest.
The Life of John the Baptist.
The Life of Joseph and the coat of many colors.
Benefits of good team dynamics.
My father is the most valuable person in my life.
Reaction Paper to Christine A. Smith's "Women, Weight, and Body Image".
My Life as a Lilliputian: a creative story about a girl dreaming that she was 3 inches tall and went through an unforgetable adventure.
Reaction Paper to Michele A. Paludi's "Sexual Harassment in College and University Settings".
An Assessment of Option House, a Shelter for Battered Women.
In Defense of Gambling: The flip-side of the coin you are not told about.
Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven".
A short comparision of nature and humans and the man in Jack Londons "to build a Fire".
The Human Function.
In the classroom that I observed I found it hard to pick just one academic expectation to talk about in this paper.
Obtaining a Position as a Network Administrator.
Mandatory AIDS Testing.
Mandatory AIDS Testing.
Logical Database Design.
The Physical Design.
Where have all the salmon gone?
History of chinese cinema.
The Renaissance.
Third and Fifth Generation chinese film.
Should Cell Phones be Ban from Driving or Do Away With?
Accounting Ethics.
Real cause of world war two.
Adolf hitler.
Cause of ww1.
Cuban missile crisis/ww3?
Justification of a Plan to Assasinate John Howard.
Aboriginal Education.
The fear of God in its true sense.
Coulrophobia: How to successfully identify and overcome phobias.
A book report on "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.
Cyber Crime.
Should parole release be abolished? Why or why not?
A breif history of the reasons in which the Israelites and Palestines have been waring and why peace may never be acived.
A movie review for "Snow Falling on Cedars".
Very descriptive notes on preparing for an IEP meeting.
Marketing Sales Process Script.
Detailed information on adolescent depression.
Why was there such a large number of witch trails in the 17th Century?
The necessity of a US census in todays world.
In what ways is Athenian democracy similar to American democracy?
This is an essay that relates the song "Enter Sandman" by Metallica to Enkindu's dream from the Epic of "Gilgamesh".
Prosecuting Criminals.
Assess the view that the fragmentation of the middle class has occurred.
The concept of social identity, social class,gender and ethnicity.
What are some similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis?
Are Electro-Convulsion Treatments Harmful?
Sir Gawain: What makes a true Hero?
The Meaning of Life : A Look Through the Matrix.
Case Study Marketing Management: Dell-New Horizons (HBS 502-022) - DUTCH
Case Study: Ford Ka - Breaking new ground in the Small Car Market (Insead 599-038).
The Gentlemen of The Jungle.
This essay seeks to compare and contrast the approaches taken by Keith B. Richburg and Karl Maier in discussing Africa.The title is "Woes of Africa"
Case Study Marketing:
This essay vividly illustrates the hardships of childhood education in West Africa.The title is "Education in Africa : A Matter of Survival of the Fittest".
Latest Stem Cell research.
Research paper on the poem "What Were They Like?" by Denise Levertov.
The essay is about the life of bob Marley.
A Critical Analysis on the Imagery in Act II of Shakespeare's Macbeth.
Critical reaction to Marquez's One Hundred years of Solitude.
"Candide" by Voltaire.
A speech.
Dream of crosses.
How does Iago manipulate Othello, Cassio, and Roderigo?
Definitions in biology.
Problems of Parliamentary Politics
The Stresemann Era.
Hitler and the Rise of National Socialism.
The Third Reich, 1933-45(germany).
Foreign Policy(germany).
The out break of wwii(germany).
Total Mobilization, Resistance, and the Holocaust(germany).
Personal experience-operation.
"All Quiet on the Western front" By Erich Maria Remarque.
"Yellow Wallpaper" Writen By Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
"Celebration" written by W.D. Valgardson.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and the Model of Human Occupation.
Listenin Skills Analysis.
Multiple Sclerosis: Changes Beyond Demyelination.
The essay is about the Cuban Missile Crisis.
How hitler planned to come into power.
Successful Military Leadership Traits.
The correlation between sleep patterns and learning patterns of children.
The importance of fitness and exercise.
Three events for every year, starting 1985 until 2003.
Alexander the Great.
Joan of arc.
Alzheimer's Disease.
CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident) aka Stroke.
Theme of Ambition and Greed in Shakespeare's Macbeth.
The Major Causes of the Great Depression.
"The Lady of Shalott" by Lord Alfred Tennyson.
The life of William Wordsworth.
Falling from the Shoulders of Giants.
Character Analysis of "The Chrysanthemums".
Define Puritanism and Democracy and show how they were a mixed legacy.
Womans Issues and the Yellow Wallpaper.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" and Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis".
The human brain and its biomolecular reaction on alcohol.
Biography of Cesar Chavez, describing his life and accomplishments.
Report on asthma and its causes and effects.
A biography of George Lucas.
Analysis of the story "Shakespeare in the bush".
Augustine in Church History.
A History of Christianity in Egypt.
Adverse Effects of the Environment on the Aquaculture Industry in the U.S.
Book review of Mitri Raheb's book entitled "I am a Palestinian Christian".
The Benefits of Yoga.
Effect of racism from a functionalist's point of view.
"Siddhartha" by Herman Hesse.
William Shakespeare was a very successful man.
The Short Term Psychological Effects of Mature Rated Video/Computer Games on Young Children.
Newspaper Article: Hyperinflation Hits Germany.
Crime and Poverty of Belize.
This is an essay on welfare and research with statistics.
The similarities and differences between probation and parole.
This is a biography on Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.
Analisis of Henry IV by William Shakespear.
"Streetcar named Desire" by Tennesse Williams.
Discusses the Realtionship between the McCarthy Trials, "The Crucible", and "the Salem witchcarft trials".
Scientific difference.
Presidential Scandals In the Last 30 Years.
The Spanish Armada by the English Navy.
Nuclear Weapons.
This essay is about gay parenting.
Pholcidae spiders.
This is a response on the essay "Inside the Bunker" which was written about halocaust deniers.
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924).
"Gone with the wind".
A review of "Beaches" (with Bette Midler) that takes a comical, and almost sarcastic look at the over dramatic story about two friends.
How to deal with divorce.
Gregor Mendel: His theory of characteristics in pea pod plants.
In under 10,000 words, write a snappy book with miniture chapters describing a story a person.
Educational Progress.
Why Do Sunnis (Taliban) Hate Shias (Iran and Hazaras) and Why Do The Shias Hate Sunnis ?
The Indian Caste System.
The Video Game Culture.
Was the Civilizing Mission truly meant to civilize the people of Central Asia?
Goals of Community Corrections.
What was the social and historical context in which the juvenile court was created?
How might the changing demographics and diversity of the U.S. population affect the operation of juvenile and criminal courts?
Pros and cons of the Death Penalty.
The pros and cons of DNA profiling.
Work Ethics.
Ethics According to Natural Law - Aquinas's and Augustine's Views.
Reaction Paper - A reaction to the speaker David Wilson, who gave a guest lecture promoting the concepts within his new book
Capitalism, as an economic system, is extremely complex.
The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were witness to several intellectual revolutions in Europe.
Sentence Disparity Within the Courts.
Federalism and the French Canadian - Pierre Trudeau.
Poverty and It's Role in the Justice System.
Alternative Measures Program.
Successful and Unsuccessful Learning Experinces.
Antigone, A Tragic Hero In Literature.
Psychology Opinion Paper.
A Salty High: A descriptive essay about the stoke that surfboarding brings to an individual.
" A Rose for Emily" by Faulkner.
Life: Something More Precious Than We Realize.
Fascism in Germany and Italy (contrast and comparisons).
A personal tragic event (house burning down).
Personal personality.
The importance of a father.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Gilgamesh Flood Story Vs. Genesis Flood Story.
Politics and the Family.
Symposium: Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization.
How does technology effect my life?
Stress on the body.
Totalitarianism in the Soviet Union, Italy, and Germany.
"School to Work Will Train, Not Educate" By Phyllis Schlafly.
Tort Liability and Contract Liability.
"Why should the Driver license policy be issued?".
The perfect vacation spot.
The cases of Guy Paul Morin and David Milgaard.
The Difficult Childhood of Helen keller.
Capital Punishment: The Golden Rule.
Pondy's view in the "process of conflict".
Suggestions to conflict resolutions.
Green Computing Research Paper mla format 3 references. subject is about computers and the environment.
Bantu Education and source analysis. An analysis of Dr. Verwoerd's policies on the Bantu people during apartheid.
A story that ends with "I wish I did not meet the man".
Examination mal-practices and how they can be curbed.
Justification for the use of creative drama in the classroom.
Philosophy and Parenting.
Comparing and Contrasting two pieces of music.
How does Browning Shape our Reaction To The Duke in His Dramatic Monologue 'My Last Duchess'?
Grizzly Bears endangered.
This essay is a typical admissions essay that describes your personal and professional goals as well how how you plan on achieveing them.
The broken windows theory and community policing and how they relate to each other.
This is a paper I wrote describing my observations during a trip to the Wayne County court house.
Management Processes: An Example of Successful Change of Wal-Mart.
The importance of public opinion in the movie "Wag the Dog".
International business: NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Viral Jujitsu: A new gene therapy has a way of turning the AIDS virus against itself.
This essay is about how proccessors amd computerchips work.
Religion in Modern Society.
"The Maltese Falcon".
Hearing Life in a Deaf World.
Summary of the "Federalist Papers".
This essay is a summary of the civil rights movement.
The Influence One Can Have.
Biology study notes - Proteins, RNA, and Mutations.
The responsibilities of a Nuclear Submarine Captain in the movie Crimson Tide.
"Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw.
"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.
"Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan.
"where Have You Been, Where Are You Going" by Oates and "A Small, Good thing" by Raymand Caver.
A Jewish immigrant family.
"A Street Car Named Desired" by Tenneesee Williams.
Aegean Civilization - Describes the similiarities and differences of the Minoan, Cycladic, and Mycenaean cultures, including specific works of art.
The best ideas arise from passionate interest in commonplace things.
Response to essay, "The Lesson".
Psychology of the Aging People.
History of Beer.
How to aply make-up.
"The Platoon" and "The Sands of Iwo Jima".
Psychology Paper - Death and Dying.
"The Lost World" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Odysseus as an Epic Hero.
Should uniform be banned?
"The Cathedral" by Raymond Carver is full of both imagery and symbolism.
Should the US Government be scared of Cyber Terrorism?
Jack London's "To Build a Fire" deals with man's struggle with nature.
Effective Listening Skills.
The effects of the P-51 Mustang in World War II.
Edvard Munch 1863-1944.
Unemployment and Economics.
Its a defense system built to be installed on passenger jets.
Love- An Extended Definition Essay.
A girl who was an outcast at her school. Written for English 3 AP.
3 passages in which you analyze the syntax, diction and detail of the writing, and illustrate how that helps convey the purpose and meaning of the novel.
Transformations between Hamlet and Rosencantz and Guildernstern.
Who was responsible for the downfall of the first triumvirate.
Discuss how modernity has influenced the practice of artists- Pablo Picasso;Jackson Pollock and Josef Albers
This essay is about the life of Bessie Smith.
Gender Inequality in High School.
Wanting to Look Better.
Short Biography, swayed to current times.
This is a different paper than my other Expolorer one.
This text is a written report of a lecture attended on medicine and general and how it relates to his profesion Chiropractology.
This is an example of What is known as an OPORDER.
A look at why people choose the sex roles they choose in life. Specifically females.
Short essay on species invasion, its a biology thing.
Passive Social Influence and the Bystander Effect.
Myths of the Juvenile Superpredator: Myth vs Fact.
Taboos and Love Laws in "The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy .
This essay Is an analysis and personal response to "The Whores Child", by Richard Russo
This essay is a personal response and analysis of "the Farher You go", by Richard Russo. "The Farther You Go," is part of Russo's "The Whores Child" book.
Critical appraisal of 'futility', poem by wilfrid owen concerning the war-comparisons weaved in from other poems by Owen, Brooke and Pope.
What happens biologically to your brain when you smoke a cigarette?
This is what exactly goes on in your brain when you are in a funny situation or under stress...
Class notes on Absolutism in France and England.
This is a chapter by chapter summary of James McBride's "The Color of Water."
The Xenophobia Police: Affirmative action in Europe.
Who were the Vikings and what was their life like?
"Women and Judaism" is about women's place in Orthodox society, and whether or not they are treated as inferiors
The essay "Men, Money and Dating" is about how men think they have to show off their money in order to impress their date.
Essay on hinduism and buddhism.
This is a essay that was written a few years ago about the pros and cons of going into computer technology as a major in college.
This is an outline of an essay about dyslexia.
Tobacco: The Growing Global Epidemic.
The Dragon & The Bear: The Geopolitical issue over Russia's Far East border with China.
"The Missing Part".
Sad Times, Author:Jose.
The Games Sony Play.
"Affluenza"- the disease of spending money.
External & Internal Analysis of Amazon during 1997. Example of a Strategic Management in the New Economy.
Influence of Gender, Culture and Multiple Disciplines on the Project Group.
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Anna Larina: Stalinist Terror and Her Ability to Survive.
American Dream.
God's Gift.
Treatments for OCD(obsessive compulsion dissorder).
Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" relays the themes of jealousy, betrayal, and death are all brought on by the relationship between men.
The controversial use of steriods in athletics.
This essay is about the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
This essay is about the Hiroshima.
The Physics of Pool.
This is an essay in response to a large case that was in the state of massachusetts and, it is in respons of a pretrail report.
World's First Test-tube Baby.
An essay about california's three strikes law.
Tensions between the French and English speaking Canadians.
Stevie Smiths poem, "Not Waving But Drowning".
A Modest Proposal for Gun Control today.
The Loch Ness Monster: Fact or Fiction?
CIA: World of Secrets.
Freemasonry: Shattering the Myth.
"The Sound of Music".
Creation vs evolution.
"How Successful Was the Indoctrination of the German Youth Under the Nazi Regime?"
A women who is dealing with suicidals thoughts and how an 'angel' rescues her.
A fictional story of a young African American women and her troubles throughout her life
Methods of intervention used in challenging behaviour - Restraint.
Factors involved for growth in a baby, before and after birth.
Similarities & Differences in Multiple Versions of Romeo & Juliet
Business Process Reengineering.
A case study of background of technology project
Web based ordering system.
Valentine poem.
With out you
War and its Effect on Society.
Contrast of the Modern American and British House.
How to Succeed in College.
What are the differences between knowledge and Belief? How do these apply to claims about existence of objects?
The title is The Natural vs. The Player.
An explanation of the major problems the United States faced in 1789, how they were overcome by 1800, and at what cost.
An indepth research paper on emotional child abuse, as well as a variety of alarming statistics and a bibliography,
Chemical and Physical Matter and its Properties.
"Convict Lake" A true story about an adventurous day-hike in the Mammoth Lakes area.
Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations".
"The Longest Memory" by Fred D'Aguiar.
Hamlets women as victims.
This is an analytic essay abou the Human Resources Department.
Analyzing Business Process Re-engineering.
Is a bill of rights wrong?
"Crime and punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
LIFE'S GOAL: A day spent with a disabled person my age.
Description of traditional Islamic wedding ceremonies including quotations and bibliography.
"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.
Investigating Some Factors Which Affect the Rate of Reaction.
Abortion and Voluntary Euthanasia.
Romeo and Juliet - Zeffirelli and Luhrmann Film Comparisons
How far is Juliet a Victim?
Censorship - "Should Depictions of Violence in the Media Be More Heavily Censored?"
Is the Study of Poetry a Worthwhile and Relevant Activity in the 21st Centuries Society?
Suffragettes - Brief Notes
Who Started The Reichstag Fire?
Juvenile justice system should be abolish it? Chins' and child care what should we do?
Dream a little dream; of E.A. Poe. A bit about drinking, a bit about drugs, a bit about saddness, a bit about love.
A bit about how Walt Whitman may not be the writer everyone says he is. He may qualify to be in the justice leage of writers, but if he does, he's Hawk Man.
This essay is about how people stereotype and the reality is that the different cultures are becoming more "Americanized" which is contradicting the stereotypying of different races.
This essay analyzes Voltaire's ideas on reform through his novel Candide. He is for reform and this essay shows examples of why.
Views of Giovanni Boccaccio in regards to the Renaissance painting of Giotto.
Was Hamlet Mad or Mad?
Marketing Research for Costa Cafe in order to identify who are the typical customers of coffee outlets and ascertain their needs, expectations and buying behaviour.
Mother teresa's vocation.
Marketing Assesment of Burton Inc. (Snowboards)
Theater review of Art .... my reflection
Reflection of Breathing Lessons ... O'Brien review.
Alternative Education.
The prophecy of George Orwell in "The Animal Farm".
John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.
Essay is called Osiris. It is a science fiction short story about an artificial intelligence computer struggling trying to gain freedom.
Research paper about the effects of divorce on children.
Timothy Findley's "The Wars" and Erich Remarques "All Quiet on the Western Front".
Abortion 2.5 pages Title to live or kill
How To Deal and its impact on my life, and what the movie was trying to say to the world.
Railroads Impact in the United States.
Ansel Adams-Biography .
Is the Philadelphia Experiment Real?
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery.
Spontaneous Human Combustion.
The Black Dahlia Mystery.
Characterization in Conrad Aiken's "Silent Snow, Secret Snow".
The diseases of Hunger.
This essay is on the 5 best inventions in economic growth.
Discipline Alternatives to Punishment.
Biography of children's author Shel Silverstein.
Japanese military, social, political and economic reforms in the Meiji restoration.
The dominance of black athletes in Sport.
A Functionalist View of Stratification.
A book review on Upton Sinclaire's The Jungle.
A movie review for George Wallace.
Dead Poet's Society Film Review.
A Christian's Take on a Worldly Tale is a criticism based on the knowledge of the author and the historical background to the book's era.
Organizational Behavior--Corporate Culture defined.
Denying History.
Product Recall information.
Critical Thinking Styles and Forces of Influence.
Ernest Hamingway in "Cat In The Rain" tells about a couple having problems.
Personal strengths and weakness.
What issues seem to be of central importance to Truman Capote in his novel "In Cold Blood?"
The origin of the Crusades.
Edgar Allen Poe's story "The Cask of Amontillado" is an illistration of how crimes and there consiquences
Romania's World War 1.
"The Shining" by Stephen King.
Critique of the Matrix movie.
Othello:Character Analysis of Iago.
"Cujo" by Stephen King.
Romeo & Juliet: Haste.
Essay: reaction to the book "Blowback," by Chalmers Johnson, dealing with U.S. operations in Okinawa,Japan as being inappropriate.
Road Rages.
Gone With The Wind.
What is Abortion, and should is it Moral?
What are the Underlying Themes in The Count of Monte Cristo?
Unplanned Organizational Change at NASA.
What is better to have to offer a friend....honesty or loyalty? which do you prefer or believe is the best?
Do the ends justify the means? give a descriptive writing on how they do or don't.
Should athletics be allowed in American high schools?
"The Unredeemed Captive" by John Demos.
The Salem Witchcraft Scare.
Natives during the Fur-trade, what influences the Natives had towards the fur trade.
How prostitution became a significant of London's history during the 18th and 19th century.
How the fur trade was a significant part of Canadian history, and the role of the native females during the fur-trade.
Raises questions today's minimum-wage practices. Describes three major flaws with America's salary system. TITLE: "Nickel & Dimed: Not Enough"
Why do we strive to be just? To live within the constraints of our laws or for the benefit of our soul?
The Individual And Society.
Catherine and Heathcliff.
Oedipus - Fate vs. Free Will.
Language Construction in Evelina.
The Magical Coin.
Theories of Leadership.
Sleep imagery in shakespeare's Macbeth to develop themes innocence, nature and guilt.
In checkov's short story "Love", you will see what checkov experienced about olive and marriage...
Enterprise Data Management.
The Habits September 11th.
The necessity of gun control.
An examination of First World War poetry from British author Wilfred Owen.
U.S vs. Microsoft court case.
Africans american in the civil war.
How to study and critique a poem.
Biology AT1-osmosis in potatoes.
A Killers Mind.
Steroids and the effect on humans and society.
The Definition and History of McCarthyism: Analysis of Joseph McCarthy's Political Ethics.
Martin Luther King said people have a responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
The Canadian health care system.
"The Color Purple" by Alice Walker.
A hunger artist.
To read or not to read.
"King Oedipus", by Sophocles.
Resolution of Sin in The Scarlet Letter.
Gun Control is Not the Answer.
"Their Eyes Were Watching God", Zora Neale Hurston.
George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four".
Analysis and Comparison With Other Scholars Analysis.
Reflections of Milton in Paradise Lost and On Having Arrived.
This essay is all obout whether or not American should be forced to join the military for a certain amount of years, and why or why it is not right.
Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra directed by Nicholas Armstrong.
Concert of Vivaldi, Mozart, Shuman works conducted by Richard Barrett.
Leadership "the term for combined responsibilities".
Educational and Social Advantages of bilingual children.
Defenses to a contract.
Virtual Vineyards Marketing Report
Causes of the Russian Revolution.
This essay is about how the concept of the "social construction of reality" is incorrect because of women and elderly athlete participation.
The great sphinx.
The differences in high school and college.
How Shakespeare interests and entertains the audience in Act 2- Scenes 1 and 2.
Why did Stalin rather than Trotsky emerge as the leader of the USSR after Lenin's death?
A breif narration of the Pequod War.
Karl Marx.
"Having It All" by Arlie Hochschild.
History and Culture of France.
Love of my Life.
This is a reaction to Douglas N. Husak's argument that drunk driving is not a serious offense.
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream.
Basic Essay on Voting Systems
Lani Guinier's writing "Second Proms and Second Primaries" and Malcolm Gladwell's "The Power of Context".
Ideas of social transformations using arguments from Lani Guinier and Peter Drucker.
World Issues as discussed by Lani Guinier, Malcolm Gladwell, and Eric Schlosser.
Are Crop Circles A Hoax?
"The Color of Water".
Cloning: The Future of the World?
Put in Perspective.
Social Changes in Farming-tells about how it is becoming easier to farm, but harder to make a living off of it.
Sound of Music-Historical Review.
Gun Control-Argumentative essay to make it harder for citizens to carry concealed weapons
Media Analysis.
Purpose and Effectiveness towards an emotional response.
"Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets" by J.K. Rowling.
Most important innovations that Sophocles the Author brought to "Oedipus the King", were religious paradox, and dramatic Irony!
The life of Leonardo Da Vinci, and all his works.
The life of Leorando Da Vinci.
This is a basic case study about urban problems in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Problems described are prostitution drugs and traffic...
This paper is about realizing that everything that we do here on this earth will count for us or against us in the day of judgment...
A wreck for life an accident that could of been avoided from the major tradegies.
Out of the Ordinary.
The paper looks at 3 different commercials and analyzes fantasy vs. reality.
"Helen" by Hilda Doolittle, expressing her growing hatred of Helen.
Fascism in the United States (McCarthyism).
Robert Frost's "Mending Wall".
Robert Frost's "After Apple-Picking".
"The Wood Pile" by Robert Frost.
"from Black Elk Speaks: III. The Great Vision" by Neihardt.
"The Plain Sense of Things" by Wallace Stevens.
The collectivism and individualism.
Do Animals Have Rights.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has one of the finest Asian and European art collections that has enlightened and strengthened my understanding in my personal art experience.
How Mobile Phones Can Affect Us?
Test Essay on Cell Division, Anatomy & Physiology Dr. Mann.
Creon, the Tragic Hero of Antigone.
Analysis of FDR's New Deal, continued through LBJ's Great Society, and attacked by Ronald Reagan.
Brief Analysis of industrial work, politics, law, and foreign relations from the Civil War to World War I.
Analysis of human intentionality as explained by Michael Tomasello.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde protrays the culture of the Victorian Era.
How, through dialogue and other dramatic effects, Miller has constructed a credible representation of human conflict.
English Literature - A Man For All Seasons.
Have you ever been accused for something that you didn't do and later started to doubt weather or not you did?
Study notes for history (1000c-ROMANO-assignment11) world war two (wwII) and cold war notes.
Should curfews be lifted in college hostels?
Human Resources Considerations when evaluating a potential employer.
Review of Continental Airlines organizational structure.
Can the global strategy be used for service industries?
Analysis of Randall Jarrell's "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" and Wilfred Owen's "Dulce et Decorum est"
Growing up as an abused child and trying to overcome the devastating effects of abuse.
Why Visit France.
Ed Gein the Serial Killer Biography (written in a speech format).
Persuasive Essay on the Harmful effects Marijuana has on the Human Body.
Euthanasia should be made legal.
Marketing Concept and the possible limitations to this concept.
Virgin Atlantic Airways, ten years after.INSEAD case study about the way Virgin Atlantic has been managed by its CEO and the challenges for next years.
Tesco INSEAD case study.
Boeing case study for marketing services.
The fair go system in australia.
Practical Report on human sexual reproduction.
Urbanisation example in Japan.
Water quality affected by Bushfires.
Telivision, For or Against?
Biography of Nathanael Greene.
To what extent was Germany responsible for the outbreak of war in 1914?
Appeasment in the second world war was good.
History of Maryland as a colony.
How Children Become Involved in Sports.
History of how relationships amongst people of different races has been scorned and looked down upon almost as being unlawful and unethical.
Past and Present of CBC Radio.
Technology: should it be in or out of the classrooms? How technology is destroying the democratic educational system, and what can be done to prevent it
The Effects of Hardiness on Stress Levels.
"The Great Gatsby", written by F. Scott Fitsgerald.
Smoking cigarettes causes problems with my appearance, my health, my endurance, and my family.
This is a case study about the Compaq Corporation.
Principles of Management.
The Kurdish Genocide in Iraq.
"The Industrial Revolution--A Curse for the Working Man"--discusses living and working conditions during the Industrial Revolution.
A report on the play "Incident at Vichy" by Arthur Miller.
Marijuana-Essay justifying why marijuana should/shouldn't be legalized. 407 words
This essay is about Food As Magic, How food helps someone to get cure.
What is Scientology.
William Faulkner's "A Rose For Emily" The Character Miss Emily.
Lord of the Rings.
Styles of architecture in the middle ages.
"To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee.
A Woman's Pain.
Herman Melville's now famous story "Bartleby the Scrivener". Melville wrote this, just after he wrote Moby Dick.
This is a report written about Transcendentlaism and how it used in society today.
This essay is about the ganges river,its history, and how it is sacred to the hindus.
"The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway.
"It's A Wonderful Life" and Oliver Stone's "Natural Born Killers."
Upton Sinclair's "The jungle".
"To Kill A Mockingbird".
This is an APA style report for an experiment conducted in an Experimental Psychology class.
This is an essay I wrote for a porfessional ethics class about home schooling and its effects on childrens social behavior.
Music's Influence on our Lives
"Two Kinds" by Amy Tan.
This is a response to the story "where are you going where have you been". It includes my personal opinion about the story, and why and weather or not I liked it.
History of the English Language.
"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.
"Goodbye to all that" By Robert Graves.
"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck.
E.B. White's "Once More to the Lake" .
Ann Moody's "Coming of Age in Mississippi" for US History After 1865.
Anaylsis of HIV & AIDS in West Africa.
Disproving Descart's Existence of God.
History becomes "Her-story" in West Africa: Representations of the female gender's role in the past, present, & future of West Africa
Report of the Santa Barbara Oil Spill of 1969.
Transatlantic Encounters.
Symbols and Meanings in "Moby Dick".
Due to racism in 1930's Chicago, Bigger Thomas was influenced to commit an action unlike his normal judgement would allow.
The theme of Susan Glaspell's "A Jury of Her Peers".
The Exxon Valdez.
The importance of Dharma and Karma in Hindu Literature.
How each mentor in To Sir, With Love and Dead Poet's Society reached his students.
Favourite literary character.
What three items to bring with you on a deserted island, teacher found it quite humerous, its very long
Magical Realism: How do you classify it?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
This is an essay about what the gothix stereotype is and also how the media has affected the gothic stereotype.
Conducting effective research using the Internet.
This essay is about the effects of moving to a new place.
Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein".
"A Seperate Peace" by John Knowles.
Holden Caufield's distinct personality in J.D. Salinger's novel, "The Catcher in the Rye".
Comparison between Sophocles' tragedys Antigone and Oedipus the King.
The symbolic relationship between foreing policy,domestic issues and economic constraints.
Culture variations of Aesthetic ideals.
Dendrochronology (tree ring dating).
Adolescent Depression - The Under Acknowledged Disease.
Edgar Allan Poe's use of the "Hop Frog" effect.
Adolf Hitler and WWII.
This essay is about Article II of the United States Constitution.
Romeo & Juliet - Star Crossed Lovers.
Kirk Kobain: The Rise & Fall of Grunge Music.
A critical and in depth analysis of pituitary dwarfism!
Can the world be rid of terrorism without damaging the civil rights of citizens?
The Mass Media and Social Construction.
An analysis of Macbet's struggle between his ambition and his conscience.
Profit maximization VS Social responsible.
Parental Advisory on Music.
This is an analysis on a short story called "The First Seven Years".
Contrast of two versions of Macbeth's Beliefs.
Homer's Illiad-Man With A Role.
Was it Fate or Free Will-Homer's Illad.
This is an essay on Hedda Gabler and how she needs to find happiness.
Effective communications.
High performance teams
Managing Organisations.
Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher", Perkins "The Yellow Wallpaper", Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily."
Was Stalin an Ethical Leader.
Shakespearean Comedy.
Love in the Two Tragedies: William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet and Hamlet.
Basic elements of structure and word categories.
A study on Plato, Aquinas, Anselm, and Pascal.
Athletes and eating disorders.
A complete description of the Greek god Hermes.
Problems with Washington State at a local and state wide level.
Mechanical Reproduction and the Fostering of Graphic Incoherence.
Cisco company.
This essay is a case analysis of consumer satisfaction with regards to travel to New Zealand, and the reasons and rationale surround this.
Enhancing employee performance through effective human resource management.
My kitchen.
Aims and objectives for lincoln coursework.
Money and its definition.
Personal Expectations.
"A Thing of Beauty" by John Keates.
A Brief History of Costa Rica.
Coral Reefs .
Analysis of Easy Rider.
Louisiana Purchase.
"Leaves of grass" and a biography of Walt Whitman.
Lightless Night.
Was written for an honers level class.
Giuseppe Verdi the opera singer.
The European enlightenment.
Harper Lee's novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird".
How To Play Better Golf.
The manifest destiny.
"Harry Potter" by J. K. Rolling.
"A Midsummer Night's Dream".
Toilet Paper.
"The Lady with the Pet Dog" by Anton Chekhov.
"A Passage to India" by E. M Forster.
The Quantity, Quality and Privacy of Information on the Internet.
"Dulce Et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen and "The Hero" by Siegfried Sassoon.
Communicating in relationships according to linguists, psychologists, and writers.
"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.
Macbeth - journal for lord macbeth entry after murder of the king by him and lady macbeth.
Euthanasia and why it should be legal.
"Wild Swans" by Jun Xhang.
Causes of WWI (Old regents DBQ).
The human hair care and growth and types of hair.
The Progressive Movement.
Robotic development in 21st Century.
THis essay pertains to the effects of our economy, if we do not take affirmative action to help minorites gain college educations.
Teen pregnancy.
Kingdom Protista and the phyla under it.
"The Great Gatsby" Film Review.
How elementry students were treated in China.
The comparison of policies to attract foreign talents for Singapore and New Zealand.
The excess and restraint.
Men must fight and women must weep.
How to Deal With Worry.
The Power of Prayer.
The current government involvement in tourism in the UK.
The psychoanalytic approach to psychology
The corruption of Culture in Yukio Mishimas "Swaddling Clothes".
Richard Wright's "Big Black Good Man".
The self-analysis of your personality.
Wanting to die.
English court structure.
Magistrates courts.
A cultural study of Singapore.
The History of the Guitar.
World War II.
Cisco System's control over the computer networking market and the history of their development.
Vegetarianism--The Peacemaker.
Jimmy Smits--A Biographical Summary.
Absolute Monarchy.
What problems faced the nation in the post Revolutionary period?
Why is our constitution called "a bundle of compromises?"
Was Hamlet mad??
Comparsion Between "Two Tales from Canterbury" by Miller.
Albert Einstein's life from when he is 4 till he dies.
This essay is about west africa's civil conflics.
"The Count of Monte Cristo" by Edmond Dantes.
Clara Barton, founder of the american red cross and a civil war nurse.
Sadam Hussein.
"To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee.
"Sound the Retreat".
Empty Nest Syndrom: Why having having children early in life may be detrimental to your marriage.
The Meaning of Work.
Control and Surveillance in the Workplace.
Julius Caesar.
Buddah's four nobel truths and a personal perspective.
Predestionation versus free living and will.
A discription of feng shui, and how it can be used.
Details of Homeric Poems, and stories.
Tomorrow's Manager.
Psychological profile on howard stern: intrapsychic domain.
Mercutio is the most important character in Romeo and Juliet.
"Be thankful for what you have".
"Chronicle of a Death Foretold" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Antigone: Summary and Themes of Tragedy.
Dr. Jekkyl and Mr. Hyde: Domination of Evil.
Aristotle's Definition of Tragedy.
Richard Wright's novel, "Native Son".
"The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokaw.
"The Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara.
Australian Aboriginal Culture before the arrival of the europeans.
A philosphical essay on Utilitarianism.
"A Doll's House" and "The Wild Duck" by Henrik Ibsen.
This is an informative essay about many tourist attractions in europe.
What child abuse is.
Sir Issac Newton
Persian war.
Code of hammurabi.
1984 vs Brave New World.
"Electron Microscopes" - Electron Microscopes (EMs) are scientific instruments that use a ray of electrons to examine small matter on a very fine scale.
What is the function of the Sign at Cana in John 2:1-12?
Biological Weapon Effects on Biological Diversity.
United States has a high crime rate.
Three reasons why I would rather live and raise a family in the country or in the city.
"The Yellow Wallpaper", written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
Wild, Wild West and David Lowenthal.
The Great Plains and the history of the Froniter.
Social, Economical, and Political Effects of World War I.
The Causes of World War I.
Why the British settled in NSW in 1788.
Ophelia's Neurotic Mind.
The plains of Siberia.
"Freud, Jung, and Kletman.
Abraham Cahan's "A Sweatshop Romance".
The Age of Discovery, Columbus, Enlightenment, Scientific Revolution, early technology and trade.
The Harlem Renaissance.
Iasi - Fascinating Places.
Campbell Soup.
Z Glass.
British Airways.
The Basis of My Belief in God.
The study of gangs.
The American Dream is Alive and Well.
How does GM beat Ford in China.
Cultural identity in Scotland.
The Once and Future King Arthur.
The Salem Witch Trials, and what came of it.
The First Amendment.
Mass Media in the United States.
Affirmative action where it all begun to the present. .
" Religion on the Frontier" by Goren.
The Puritan Experience in New England.
" Charlotte: A Tale of Truth" by Susanna Rowson.
William Shakespeare.
The Black Death. Symptoms, Causes, and cures of the black death that plagued Europe between 1347-1351.
The tattoo and piercing law.
Life as a teenager.
The importance of being organized.
The importance of being a good listner in the workplace.
The Fight for Racial Equality.
Arthur Reed who works for Blue Grocery Stores Incorporated as a warehouse supervisor.
Enron Corp. was one of the world's largest energy, commodities and services companies.
Critical thinking and Decision making.
Cause of World War II.
Albert Einstein.
AIDS, from its history, how it infects the body, the symptoms,how it is spread, and the current methods of treating the disease.
Is it Alive?
"The Open Boat" by Crane.
MLK and his sermon from "God Is Able" and why he had philosphical jusification for civil disobedience.
The History of Gangs in America.
The Judicial Branch and its Supreme Court History.
"Going Out" by David Nasaw.
The Great Crusades.
The European Renaissance from 1300-1600.
"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" by James Thurber.
Thomas Cromwell.
The importance and benefits of personal fitness, nutrition, and the steps you should take to become physically fit.
Critical Thinking and Decision Making.
This is an essay about a new type of poisonous dart frog that was recently discovered that alters a chemical from the food they eat to create their poison and make it stronger.
Binge drinking in college.
Core Competencies for a Lead Flash Animator/Web Designer.
The game evaluation of The Sims Online.
What is Dementia?
"Story and Structure" by Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson.
"The Sun Also Rise"s and "Winter Dreams".
An explication of Mina Loy's poem "Lunar Baedeker".
Exploring the plot and subplot of The Castle, Howard Barker.
Outlines adolf hitlers life until 1939.
This is a review of Black Hawk Down against the theories of Clausewitz's Book "Three in On War".
Bibliography of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
A Study of the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution.
JFC Fuller's "Alexander The Great".
Policies the Australian Government Uses to Counter High unemployment rate in Austraila.
How Does the Australian Government fight against inefficiencies in the Economy ?
Multi User Operating Systems.
Biography on Johann Sebastian Bach.
"Cask of Amontillado" by Allen Poe.
Thurgood Marshall was probably the only black leader in American History who can argue that he defeated segregation where it really counts, in the courts.
An analysis of Vice President Aaron Burr's role in a possible conspiracy against America.
An opinion piece on California's Three Strikes law.
A comparison of the short stories "Good Country people" and "Where are you going, Where have you been?"
Comparative Essay on the use of media two directors make of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, with paricular reference to Act I Scene I: The fight Scene and Act II Scene II: The Balcony scene
Eddie's fate. Is eddies fate as inevitable as Alfieri suggests?
The evolution of retailing in Canada.
Greatest Technology of the 20th Century. (I chose the atom)
How did Hitler replace the Weimar government and what was the nature of support that helped him come to power?
"To what extent had african americans acheived equal civil rights by 1940?" A reviw of the civil rights and treatment of blacks in pre-civil-war America.
Operational Motivation Plan. This paper attempts to define the role of the manager, the role of the organization and the specific incentive elements of the plan.
Operating Definition of Organizational Behavior.
Human Resource Policy Merger Plan. Paper attempts to specify the plan for merging two very distinct companies HR policies.
An Unconvincing Apology: Comparison of Genesis.
Was King Arthur Real or not? I answer all of theses questions stated in the Introduction.
Should Smoking be Permitted in Certain Places?
The Empire State Building - It tells the history of the Empire State Building.
Essay on Fight Club the movie.
This essay is about teens and high risk behaviors (drugs) why not to do them and where they will bring you with three examples why teens may choose to try drugs
The plague.
China Syndrome.
This essay is a description of the functions of management; planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.
"The Education of Little Tree".
Agriculture : Growing Our Future.
This is a biography of Douglas MacArthur.
"Dear Mom: A Snipers Vietnam" by By Joseph T. Ward.
Ophelia's Role in William Shakespeare's Hamlet.
The Nature of Nurture.
The Compromises of Alternative Therapy.
Do you believe adequate health care is a fundamental human right?
Evolution is a theory that is widely accepted throughout science.
The media directly contributes to making more violent than another?
Imagine that you have just been diagnosed as HIV positive.
A biography of noah.
Does television violence cause violence in children and how can it be reduced?
Ansel Adams life and two analysis of his photographs.
Georgia O'Keeffe, Georgia O'Keeffe's life and description of two of her paintings.
The Theatre of the Absurd, or slapstick comedy, a popular dramatic genre with an interesting history! This covers the origins of Absurdism, some important names and a bit of background info.
The Film "The Accidental Tourist" was pretty terrible, but the novel wasn't much better.
The movement cycle of the erythrocyte (or red blood cell).
"The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights is a wish list drawn up by a group of "bleeding heart liberals" who are completely out of touch with the real world"
The 'typical Australian' and indeed, Australian national identity, does not cover the diversity of Australian citizens and many groups, including women, are excluded.
Gender and Nation - Australia (Annotated Bibliography).
"What are the ways in which gender stereotyping occurs in schools? What can be done to minimize such stereotyping?"
The essay is of a critical appreciation of an unseen poem, taken from The Lorca Variations, entitled "In A Time Of War".
Sons and lovers and 1984, functions of the Nottinghamshire dialect and Newspeak.
Medical Malpractice Problems in Florida.
Critical Thinking and Decision Making.
The Theme of Macbeth.
"Wuthering Heights" by Heathcliff and Catherine.
In "The Sun Rising," by John Donne, there are many metaphysical characteristics.
C.G Jung and America.
Can the phrase "Incomplete revolution" be usefully applied to the events of November 1918 in Germany?
Assess the Impact of Fascist Rule on the people of Germany up to 1939.
How Lewis Grassic Gibbon uses characters to show the themes of his book "Sunset Song"
Civil War.
My Ideal Humanities class.
Binladen & Hitler,
Aluminum. Number
How sucessful was the new deal?
The league of nations was a success.
Investigating the affect of concentration on the rate of reaction.
Biblo Baggins of "The Hobbit" by J. R. R. Tolkien Character Analysis.
"Metastatic Uterine Cancer".
Quarterfinals About a boy in a fencing tournament.
Argument for the 5150 involuntary treatment laws.
"The Diary Off Anne Frank" by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett.
Argument Opposing Capital Punishment.
A Healthier Florida With Amendment 6.
Nathan Bedford Forrest. This biography tells about his involvement in the Civil War, KKK, and other important information.
Characterization in Chioles's Before the Firing Squad.
Plot of John Updike's A & P.
Tone of Chopin's "The Story of an Hour".
"The Diary of Anne Frank Play" by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett.
Wayson Choy's "The Jade Peony".
Uncertainties in Strategy.
Charles Dickens' Character Scrooge From "A Chistmas Carol".
An essay on Edward's Syndrome also known as Trisomy 18.
Managing Growth Options.
Organization Change Leaders.
Movie Review of Disney's "The Three Musketeers".
Compare and contrast "I stand here ironing" and "how to talk to your mother".
Analyse the events of 1848 which deposed Louise Philippe and explain why his reign ended in revolution. (1848 Revolutions - France).
This essay is about the cons on gun controling.
A Monarchy is forever.
Sobering moment.
Unique Cars.
The Concilation and The National Picture.
How the christian community made me realize my true beleifs through my Catholic Community.
Literary criticism of "Slaughter House Five", by Kurt Vonnegut.
Describes what christians believe in and what I as a catholic beleive in.
From "A Doll's House"- character analysis of Nora Helmer.
"Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger.
Just some notes on Socrates and the Trial of the Generals.
A simple business plan for anyone looking for help in a management help.
Canadian Law Courts Case Study.
A Fooled Nation: Hitler's Rise to Power.
How Succesful was Hitlers Propaganda from 1933-39.
1890 Cuban Revolution.
Buddhism and the Values.
How Does English Law Give Effect to the Right to Marry and Found a Family as Guaranteed by Article 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights?
The Flood Stories: The Validity Debate Continues.
"Slaughter House Five" by Kurt Vonnegut.
This essay compares and contrasts 'Dulce et Decorum est' by Wilfred Owen, and 'Peace' by Rupert Brooke.
Why the Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered.
"Epicuris and His Life Objective".
Capitalism and Ccmmunism.
The battle of Gettysburg, which was a turnign point of the US Civil War.
An essay explaining how the word "crucible" is an appropriate title for this play, and how the characters are reduced to their essences and tested.
"Benito Creno" by Herman Melville.
The dangers of Homophobia
The first americans.
What influenced european migration to america?
In the Name of Science - An Examination of H.G. Well's Disapproval of Modern Science's Directions.
"October Sky" by Homer Hickam.
Terry Goodkinds book, "The Naked Empire"
This essay is about my visit to Walters Museum and a description of the pieces Ankhen-sekmet Entertained by a Harpist (Egyptian Civ.) and Relief with Winged Genius (Assyrian Civ.)
Homosexual Adoptions.
The different personalities created by different types of alcohol.
Gender Differences and Advice on Conflict Resolution.
This essay was written as a business concept for a unique small business. I developed the concept for this business and had to write a paper on it.
A persuasive speech about Sleep Deprivation Importance of Good Night's Rest.
An Essay for a Financial Scholarship.
Relationships between Gods and Mortals as Demonstrated in The Odyssey.
Dracula, Appropriate Halloween Icon? Examines the theme of sexuality in Bram Stoker's "Dracula" and what it implies about Stoker's view of sexuality.
"The Jade Peony" written by author Wayson Choy.
Aftermarket Automotive Industry Analysis.
Gender Bias In The Workplace And Pay Inequalities.
Why the United States Constitution is Unique.
Biography of Edger Alan Poe.
This essay is about Euthanasia and Dr. Jack Kevorkian.
Insurable interest case study.
Insurable interest case study.
"Philosophers' of Education" .
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.
To Clone Or Not To Clone .
This is an exposition essay using a lot of examples to talk about the crappy things president George W Bush has done.
This is a comparison of the two pairs of lovers in Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing".
Planation and colonies or early america.
Corrupt Bargain- Elections of 1824 & 1876.
Bell Mason Diagnostic Explanation and detailed descriptions.
A satire written about family reunions.
Analysis of Maya Angelou's "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings".
Types of markets in economics.
Looks and disabilitys in businesses.
Benefits of ecu installation.
Modern American Writers.
"Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe
The league of nations.
Federal Express Case.
"A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner.
Comparing "A separate Peace" by John Knowles with "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley.
THis essay is about Working for Welfare (workfare) and why I disagree with the idea.
Love in the Odessy
Martin Scorcese's Taxi Driver starring Robert Dinero.
"Gestures" It' is about studying body gestures made from a professor in college.
THis is about Carole Maso's The Art Lover, I discuss her different style and techniques.
"Nuclear Family".
Target swot and porters five forces.
Thanksgiving With the Family.
WELFARE..this paper is a persuasive topic about welfare in todays society.
Compare and contrast the 1968 Franco Zeffirelli version and the more recent Baz Luhrmann version.
This is an essay about the united states marines corps it give an overveiw of the corps.
This is a Gym Summary from the book called "Life Fitness".
The Effects of Cannabis on the Human Reproductive System.
Aggression-Discuss the Three Psychological Approaches According to Freud, Skinner and Rogers(Psychodynamic, Behaviourist and Humanistic Theories)
The essay is about the the book "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote.
The accomplishments and struggle of Mohandas Gandhi and how he has inspired me.
Crime is a Social Construct.
This is a fictional story that I wrote over a period of a week.
"The Red Badge of Courage" by Stephen Crane.
"Anthem" By Ayn Rand and if it compares at all to the cold war.
John donne's poems dealing with love, sex, and sexuality.
Creative Therapy Studies - Living With Sciatica; Describe how disease can affect our daily lives.
The Works of Lawrence Stephen Lowry.
This is an essay about my committment to the future of the U.S.
From 1781 to 1789 the Articles of Confederation provided an effective form of government.
Why are todays women having fewer children later on in life?
Disability and the society.
Positive and Negative Ways of Decision-Makers Dealing With Sensitive Multicultural Issues.
Seperation anxiety.
Mauppassant's "The Necklace" outline and paper.
Williams' play, "The Glass Menagerie"
Adolescent Self-esteem
Stephen Crane's, "The Blue Hotel".
Summary on NY Times Article titled, 'Fearing a Big Flood, Paris Moves Art'.
The Effects the War on Iraq has on Ancient Art.
A Single Mom and School.
Aids Funding.
The Black Plauge and its devistating effects on Europe and how the plauge spread.
"The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston.
Lorenzo's Oil Movie Review.
History and Uses of the Banana.
Everlasting Importance of Myths in the Lives of Mortals.
This essay is about why I am proud to be an american.
An essay about the new graduated licensing program in British Columbia.
This essay is about the different types of volcanoes and how they are made. Includes a works cited page.
Graduation" written by Maya Angelou is about a young black girl who waits with great pride at her graduation day but gets put down by a white man who says a speech.
Advantages of Bilingual Children.
Discuss the Role of Organization.
This is a research paper on the history and career in the U.S. Navy SEALs including Bibliography
This is a complete biography of the playwrite Eugene O'Neill.
This paper is a biographical essay on Harper Lee, a hard paper to write, Harper Lee kept to herself and there is not much information on her.
Should children with ADHD be on Ritilan or similar drugs? Are psychiatrists using this to make money? Is ADHD diagnosis real or made up for the profit of greedy people?
Is Assisted Suicide ethical? Are there cases where it is ethical or not ethical?
Which founding brother had the largest impact on the creation of the U.S.?
Who decission is it for someone to live or die? Who decides when life actually begins in the womb?
How has globalisation affected the world economy?
Social and Economic equality - is it feasible in today's world?
Spike Lee's movie 'Malcolm X' with regard to camera movement and techniques used.
Analysing John Rawls' Theory of Justice and its principles, and the conflicts which may arise from its implementation.
Discussing the claim that in today's world the idea of a soveriegn nation is no longer relevant, due to globalisation and long range weapons etc.
A House on Fire
Rescue at Sea.
Haunted by Memories.
"Family Traditions" I had to write about an important family tradition.
"Family Values" - discribes various family values.
Made a story out of a newpaper article.
Paraguay; facts about the country; I included photos,and a map.
The Lungs; How they work and diseases related to them.
"A doll's house" by Henrik.
This essay deals more with the negative side of the internet and how censorship should be dealt with concerning others especially children.
"Book of Job" and "Oedipus the King" by Robert Penn Warren.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a scientific approach to the study of society.
Ellie and Equality from Carl Sagan's "Contact" and Ayn Rand's "Anthem".
Downsizing the middle class.
Euthanasia a view of both sides.
Immigration; a story of an immigrants life combined with historical facts.
Human Resource Management Class: Job Description. This essay is a summary job description.
Apathy in the Workplace.
The tragedy of Romeo & Juliet vs the Comedy of "Midsummer Night's Dream".
"Ethan Frome" by Edith Wharton.
"The Crucible" a character that experiences growth, cleansing by fire and the universal lvl/thematic.