1984 orwell

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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George Orwell's book 1984 has 4 warnings that he states throughout the book. Orwell is afraid of a government getting too powerful and he expresses this fear through Winston. One major warning sign that is prevalent throughout the book is the totalitarian government. A group that runs the government called the Party. This group is all powerful because it is run by a group whose major purpose is to gain and keep power. The Party's methods are efficient and very harsh. They inflict harsh punishment on anyone who commits an independent act, such as having an affair, and thinking against the normal ways. This government is so powerful that it not only controls the present and everything people do, but they also control the past. Anything that does not comply with what the government wants they just erase from the past. The Party keeps watch over everyone. Each house has at least one telescreen mounted on the wall so the government can keep watch over everyone's actions.

They do this to keep individuals in line. The Party members are not allowed to love or keep a family. The proles, because they are considered to be inferior and stupid, so it is ok for them to think and love and have a family. But they still do not have freedom; the government still keeps track of their actions. "Proles and animals are free." Since the Proles make up 85% of the population in Oceania, the government had to give them some freedom or they would rebel. This is also why the government's motto is ignorance is strength. As long as the people do not realize what is going on, then the government will continue to have complete control over them. The head figure of this all-powerful government is Big Brother, which...