6 Day Creation : The Hebrew Argument

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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I am here to prove to you that the creation of the earth really did take place in 6 literal days by using the original Hebrew text. If God wanted to relay the fact the process took any longer, he would have originally inspired the writers of the Bible using different words and context. The English word for day in Genesis 1 translates directly from the Hebrew word Yom. As one would assume, the Hebrew language is slightly different from the English language. The word Yom translates two different ways, but neither way suggests a meaning that would justify God taking any longer than 6 days for God to create the earth. According to Dr. Strong?s Greek and Hebrew dictionary the first way the word day translates is literally the warm part of the day, meaning the time that is sun is out, from sunrise to sunset approx 12 hours.

The second way is where I am sure there will be some debate. However, I have the research and information to show you why there should be no argument at all.

Picture this, someone maybe a grandparent or elder starts to tell a story. He or she starts out by saying ?back in the day?.such and such took place.? Now I don?t know about you but when I hear that phrase, I don?t think of time in that manner. It is translated as an abstract period of time reference. This second way does not translate into a set amount of time. It is just a reference. No where does it indicate a starting and ending point.

If one were argue that it took any longer than six days, all they would have to do is reference a Hebrew dictionary to see that the word for a period longer than a...