According to Plato Justice occurs when all three parts of the whole perform there right proper functions. Explain Fully

Essay by kathrynpar2000 June 2006

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Plato believes that if the three parts of the human body are not working as a whole than people are immoral pigs. I disagree about this I know personally that I would not act any different then I am now if I was invisible or if I could do anything that I wanted to. Plato believes that people are not able to normally live in a communal society because they are too selfish. "...As soon as he realized this, he arranged to be one of the delegates to the king; once he was inside the palace, he seduced the king's wife and 3with her help assaulted and killed the king, and so took possession of the throne...."(page 47 360b) I disagree with this because in my opinion Plato by saying that people are self centered and most people can not live in a communal environment. It is my opinion that Plato's opinion is true for him because he believes it.

That is, Plato believes that people are good only because they have to be. Therefore he will, in order to prove himself correct, only see in others, and perhaps, only put himself around others, not to mention that he is admitting himself to be of this group, who would act in this way. This concept, of Plato finding in his life that proof for what he believes, and therefore believing it is true, is know in modern metaphysical circles as manifest reality. One such teacher of this way of thinking is Ramtha, (supposedly channeled by J. Z. Knight). In her CD lecture, entitled 'Defining The Master' (Copyright 1998, JZK INC), she says that "you need to stop questioning your sexuality, being addicted to your chemicals and asking for redemption."

For example the other day I was given the opportunity...