According to the Sources how far did the Nazis succeeded in converting German Youth to the ideals of the Volksgemeinschaft?

Essay by rabia_sUniversity, Bachelor's December 2005

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Hitler recognised that he would have limited success in winning over every adult and that the youth of the country were central, if not fundamental, if he was to achieve the future Germany he had planned. Youth represented the future Germany - the Volksgemeinschaft. Millions joined The Hitler Youth programme. Many were forced through compulsory membership (1936). Youth played an important and significant part in the national community.

The Hitler youth programme was set by Hitler in order to indoctrinate German Youth to perpetuate the Reich. This movement emphasized activism, physical training, Nazi ideology especially nationalism and racial concepts and absolute obedience to Hitler and the Nazi Party. These were used as training grounds for the future 'leaders' of the Nazi state. They attended schools where these values were and systems were imposed.

Hitler scorned intellectualism, academia and deep learning and placed greater emphasis on physical strength and obedience. Thus many were initially attracted to the physical and adventurous activities.

This however is proven by couple of sources such as by Melita Maschmann in her memoirs and from Gerhard Wilke's quotation.

"There was certainly a great deal of good and ambitious education in the Hitler Youth".

"No one in our class ever read Mein Kampf".

However due to this Academic quality and excellence did decline.

There was no major reorganisation of schools and schooling systems to accommodate the changes expected under the Nazi state. There was a decline in denominational (religion) schools and the creation a few elite schools but on the whole the school system was hardly affected. The government consequently attempted indoctrination via control of the curriculum and teachers was also limited. Teachers had to become member of the Nazi Teachers Union, where they were screened rigorously for their suitability and fitness as educators.

From the sources...