
Essay by arden October 2014

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To see the development of a product or service, required data about the number of customers. Merpati is too. Untuk mengetahui perkembangan suatu produk atau jasa, diperlukan data mengenai jumlah pelanggan. Begitu juga dengan Merpati.

Berdasarkan jumlah penumpang MNA, Merpati memiliki massa kejayaan atau terjadi kelonjakan penumpang pada tahun 1996-1997. Sedangkan pada tahun 1998 - 1999, Indonesia mengalami krisis moneter sehingga menurunkan jumlah penumpang pesawat. Pada tahun 2000 hingga 2003 MNA mulai mendapatkan pertambahan jumlah penumpang dikarenakan pihak MNA mulai memperbaiki kinerja operasi seperti: safety performance, on time performance, increasing flight hours. Selain itu MNA juga melakukan hal-hal dibawah ini untuk meningkatkan minat pelanggan.

Based on the number of passengers Merpati, MNA has a mass triumph or increasing passengers in 1996-1997. Where as in 1998 to 1999, Indonesia experienced a financial crisis so as to reduce the number of passengers on board the plane. In 2000 to 2003 MNA started to get the increase in passengers due to the MNA started to improve the performance of operations such as: safety performance, on time performance, increasing flight hours.

In addition to MNA also do things below to increase the interest of the customer

Advertising: Newspaper, TV.

Sponsorship: controlled by corporate headquarters and sponsoring the nation wide events such as East Timor ID, the national sports festival, event of Miss Indonesia selection.

Merchandise: some merchandise was controlled by corporate and the rest were dlegated tp each region. The merchandise was categorized by individual, corporate, kids, and for international tourism.