Act 3 scene 3 in ‘Othello’ is the pivotal scene of the play. Before it began Othello was blissfully in love with Desdemona. By the end of it, he is devising a means by which to kill her. Discuss how and why this transformation has come about.

Essay by TouchTheSkyHigh School, 10th gradeA, November 2014

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Act 3 scene 3 in 'Othello' is the pivotal scene of the play. Before it began Othello was blissfully in love with Desdemona. By the end of it, he is devising a means by which to kill her. Discuss how and why this transformation has come about.

Othello used to be a cool, calm and collected general, and also a loving husband to Desdemona in the beginning of the play, 'Othello'. However, as we near the end of the play, Othello transformed into an unrecognizable and hot-headed 'green-eyed monster', who is devising a plan to kill Desdemona, whom he suspects of committing adultery.

From the beginning of the play, we can see that Othello is a clear-headed general who does not second-guess every decision he has made, and has an aura of confidence surrounding him. He speaks in a very courteous manner, with long and elegant sentences, even though he denies it modestly.

His transformations are very greatly related to Iago's manipulative and revengeful nature, and how Desdemona keeps bringing up the wrong topic at the wrong time.

Iago, whom had sworn for revenge in Act 1 scene 1 when Othello chose to make Cassio his lieutenant, had hatched a plot against Othello, and things are happening just as Iago has planned. Iago made use of his manipulative nature and begins to trick Othello into believing that his wife, Desdemona is being unfaithful to him. Iago did not say it outright to Othello that his wife is being unfaithful, rather he drops little hints about it in his conversation with Othello, arousing Othello's suspicions and curiosity. Iago then pretends to hesitate before answering every question by Othello, leading Othello into thinking that he is hiding something, when he is actually...