Adolescence and the Factors That Help Lead Us Through It

Essay by mob1217High School, 10th gradeA+, March 2006

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Adolescence is considered as a normal part of the human life span, connecting middle childhood and young adulthood. The adolescent years extend roughly from age 10 to age 22. It is common to mark the beginning of the teenage years as the entrance to adolescence; most people consider that the onset of puberty, or the beginning of sexual maturity, as a sign of an individual's passage from middle childhood to adolescence.

While the physical changes of puberty are an important indicator signaling adolescent development, many other kinds of changes also occur during the adolescent years; cognitive, self-concept, social / moral reasoning and the ability to think abstractly.

One factor of the process of adolescence is autonomy. Autonomy is to act independent and be self-governing. This process is very important throughout adolescence. Throughout this process, it is common for adolescents to require space and isolation from parents and others.

This process will prepare the adolescent for adult hood and for the person to mature.

Another factor of adolescence is self-concept. Self-concept is a persons own view of themselves. This factor is extremely important through the process of adolescence. If a person has bad self-concept, they may feel alone or "different" from people around them. On the other hand, if a person has a good self-concept, they will be much more comfortable and confident in there surroundings. This process can leave a huge impact on the adolescent when they mature into adult hood.

One more factor in adolescence is the ability to think abstractly. The ability to think abstractly is the concept of being able to think in relative terms and to comprehend ideas such as time. Abstract thinking begins to develop in adolescence and really comes into its own in adulthood. As we pass through our teen years, developing...