The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The New Technology

Essay by Point5College, Undergraduate August 2004

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From as far back as making films go the 35mm camera has always been around, for over 100 years now and if you watch a movie made on 35mm you can understand why. The effect it gives off is something else its not terrestrial TV style and it's just right, except one thing the price tag on the actual film celluloid. Unfortunately there is no substitute or cheaper equivalent to 35mm for recording a movie. However as we have advanced in the world of technology we now have a camera that is capable of recording with similar sharpness as 35mm The Digital Video Camera. The main difference between film and digital video is the cost of recording and the look it personifies. Other differences include the weight ease of duplication and transportability. For a long time digital recordings suffered from inferior sound and image quality when projected onto large screens, but recent advances in computer processing storage and projection have overcome this problem for their use in theatres.

Just in terms of the equipment needed a digital production is about a ¼ less than the cost of 35mm film production. Unlike film, digital formats require very little physical storage space. One of the downfalls is they can be easily duplicated and uploaded to the internet and a good point if this was legal is the film will not lose any of its quality in the process.

This all sounds too good, however its not as easy as it looks, sure you can buy a DV camera down the road and make a half decent picture if you put your mind to it but how is it going to be screened? The problem is cinemas have and have always had projectors that play 35mm film. Too enable a cinema to show...