"The Adventures of Sir Launcelot": A Traditional Medieval Romance.

Essay by kelikeiHigh School, 10th gradeA+, January 2006

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A medieval romance is a story that presents fantastic events during the medieval time that involves love and chivalry. An example of a traditional medieval romance is the famous legend, "The Adventures of Sir Launcelot." The story, full of idealized characters, faraway settings, and magical elements, tells how the knight, Sir Launcelot, upholds the ideals of chivalry and the heroic tradition.

One of the three reasons that "The Adventures of Sir Launcelot" is a romance story is presented after Sir Lionel was taken by the knight, later known as Sir Turquine. When Sir Ector de Moris found out that Sir Launcelot and Sir Lionel both left the court, he, courteously, went to seek them. Soon, he was challenged by Sir Turquine and, with bravery, Sir Ector fought back, however, he lost. At the end of the battle, Sir Turquine offered to spare the life of Sir Ector if he would agree to become his prisoner.

Sir Ector refused to acquiesce. Sir Ector had an impressive chivalry, a code of bravery and gallantry, and his part of the story is a good reason to suggest the legend to be a traditional romance.

The second reason why "The Adventures of Sir Launcelot" should be considered a romance story is presented in the part of the legend which tells how the four queens found Launcelot sleeping and how he was taken into a castle by an enchantment. The four queens fell in love with Sir Launcelot and decided to put an enchantment, a spell, upon him to prevent him from awaking for six hours and they led him to the castle. The enchantresses decided that when Launcelot wakes up, he has to choose one of the damsels to marry or he will die in the prison. Chivalrously, Sir Launcelot refused to marry any...