Affecting Change

Essay by JazzygirljsUniversity, Master'sA, October 2010

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Affecting Change

University of Phoenix

Organizational Leadership



Affecting Change

This paper is about affecting change that occurs in business. This paper will focus on the Leadership in Action Simulation which addresses key issues that the company called Smith and Falmouth (SSF) was facing. In this paper there will be a description of the established methods of control. There will also be a description of the current departmental and organizational cultures. A recommendation of a reconstructing strategy that would improve the culture and empower employees will be discussed. The management practices that would be most effective and why will be discussed. Also an explanation of how the new size and structure could effect the organization, individuals, groups, teams, and the organizational future will be discussed. First there will be a brief discussion on the simulation that is the focus of this paper.


The simulation for this assignment is about a company called Smith and Falmouth (S&F). This is a teleshopping and mail order network kind of company. The location of this company is located in Canada and the United States (US). S&F has also added an online department to their company. The simulation provided opportunity for key employees to make decisions that would bring the employees together and make a profit in the process. The decisions that were made have enabled the organization to improve by 100% which was their goal. All members have influence in the company but with using the project manager as the ally and implementing changes to make improvements in uniting the employees while making profits enable the company to reach their organizational goal (University of Phoenix, 2002).

Established Methods of Control

There are several methods...