Affirmative action

Essay by mike2680University, Bachelor'sA-, January 2009

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Affirmative action is thought of by a number of people to be part of Title VII. Although Title VII has affirmative action as part of the statutory resolutions, affirmative action is actually a requirement imposed by Executive Order . The Executive Order was endorsed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 25, 1941. The order only applied to defense contracts. This order went through many changes before President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the current version into law on September 24, 1965. This paper will discuss affirmative action as it applies to public sector and private sector employers, and how it interacts with Title VII requirements, what employers are subject to affirmative action plans and why? This paper will discuss what do the plans require employers to do and what are consequences for non-compliance.

Affirmative Action Regarding Public and Private EmployersAlthough Title VII prohibits discrimination in employment, it does not impose affirmative duties on the employer.

Affirmative action does not apply to all employers. In fact, affirmative action only applies to about 20% of the workforce. Equal employment opportunity is a policy of nondiscrimination in compliance with legislation prohibiting every type of discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, and national origin. The equal employment opportunity bans discrimination in employment in all public and private sector companies that have 15 or more employees.

Affirmative action goes one-step further by necessitating employers to achieve a balanced representation of employees. Both the equal employment opportunity and affirmative action work towards justice for all employees. Some differences between equal employment opportunity and affirmative action in the workplace are affirmative action necessitates employers to make certain that they are achieving goals of equivalence while equal employment opportunity does not require employers to assess whether their organizational practices are producing unintentional discriminatory effects. In addition, affirmative...