The aims and methods of the League of Nations between 1931 and 1935

Essay by cassonCollege, UndergraduateB+, April 2004

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The League of Nations was formaed after the countries that had been involved in the first world war decided they needed an alternative way of solving international problems to avoid another war. The league's main aim was to keep the peace. The League's main methods were disarmament to reduce suspicion and having as many members as possible for collective security. The League did not actually have an army and depended on the main powers Britain and France to take action. If problems occurred and conferences failed, sanctions were imposed on the country causing problems. Between 1931 and 1935 there were many events which seriously damaged the aims and methods of the league. The failure of the disarmament conference in 1934, the 1931 invasion of Manchuria, the Stresa font in 1935 and the Hoare-Laval plan all seriously damaged the aims of the league.

In 1931 Japan invaded Manchuria and took over the country.

The league sent representatives by sea to investigate as they did not think it was important enough to rush. The league decided that the invasion was illegal but Japan ignored the league and nothing was done to stop it. The Manchurian invasion highlighted the fact that the league of nations had no teeth. This was due the fact that the effectiveness of the League depended on Britain and France, and their attitudes to the league differed greatly.

France wanted to punish countries using the league of nations and Britain did not want to get involved in wars and preferred to discuss problems with counties. Britain did not want to use their troops in other wars because they needed to defend their own country and colonies. Britain tried to make the public think that the league would help countries to get along peacefully but the politicians did not think...