Albert Einstein and his discoverys

Essay by mommyhatesu420Junior High, 8th grade June 2004

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Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Wurttembuerg, Germany. He started school in Munich. At age 12 he started studying mathematics, mainly calculus. At age 15 his family moved to Milan but he stayed in Munich. At age 16 he failed a test that would have gotten him a diploma in electrical engineering. At 21 he graduated as a teacher of math and physics from the ETH in Zurich but couldn't find a job. In 1905 he got his doctorate and wrote the thesis "on a new determination of molecular dimensions."

In March 1905 he came up with a new understanding of the structure of light called Quantum Theory of Light. People thought light consisted of smooth electromagnetic waves, but found it was made up of particles of energy called photons. He showed when quanta light hits atoms in metal the quanta forces the atoms to release electrons, this experiment made the photoelectric cell, which made sound motion pictures and television, possible.

In 1911 he became a professor at the Karl-Ferdinand University in Prague.

Some other discoveries he made were the Principle of Relativity (E=MC2), atoms do exists, and kinetic energy.

Einstein used max plank's experiments on discreetness and energy in energy to understand the structure of light. He went on further to do an experiment to explain kinetic energy. He put tiny particles into a liquid and noticed they moved around, he said the invisible atoms were the cause of the movement.

Einstein stated many theories on physics in his lifetime, he's well known for winning many awards. Scientists today use his theories to prove other experiments. There have been many books written and movies made on Einstein's life. It is written, "Who's smarter? No one since Newton comes close." Einstein died April 18th 1955.