Alcohol's Physical and Emotional Effects.

Essay by sweetcheeks925High School, 12th gradeA, December 2005

download word file, 7 pages 4.5

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Many people look upon the consumption of alcohol differently. Occasional drinkers think it is a fun, harmless act in which to celebrate or just have a good time. Non-drinkers look at it as a sign of weakness or stupidity. Alcoholics, however, look at is as a way of life. Although people have different views about the subject, in the end, alcohol has the same damaging affect to anyone involved.

The following information was derived from The Information Series, 2003. For starters, lets look to see what constitutes a drink. The typical amount of absolute alcohol in a drink is 0.5 ounces. The following beverages contain approximately equal amounts of alcohol:

A shot (1.25 ounces) of spirits (80 proof whiskey or vodka- about 40 percent alcohol).

A 2.5-ounce glass of dessert or cocktail wine (20 percent alcohol).

A 5-ounce glass of table wine (10 percent alcohol).

A 12-ounce bottle or can of beer (4.5

percent alcohol).

When alcohol is consumed, there is a specific path throughout the body that it goes through. The path is as follows:

1.Alcohol is drunk.

2.Alcohol goes right into the stomach. A little of the alcohol goes through the wall of the stomach and into the bloodstream. But most of the alcohol goes down into the small intestine.

3.Small Intestine. Alcohol goes from the stomach into the small intestine. Most of the alcohol then goes through the walls of the intestine and into the bloodstream.

4.Bloodstream. The bloodstream then carries the alcohol to all parts of the body, such as the brain, heart, and liver.

5. Liver. The liver changes the alcohol to water, carbon dioxide, and energy. This process is called oxidation. The liver can oxidize only about one-half ounce of alcohol in an hour. This means that until the liver...