Aldo Review - Land Ethic

Essay by leahjennifercookCollege, UndergraduateA, April 2014

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Leah Cook

ENVS 202

Jigsaw Exercise

The Land Ethic

"The Land Ethic" was written by Aldo Leopold in 1948, the writing is a guide to teach humans how to treat the environment and to get people to think about how their actions are affecting this earth. Leopold split up the writing in to seven different parts. The first part is called "The Ethical Sequence," he described exactly what an ethic is and how it may relate to the environment. He described ethics as an "Ecologically, is a limitation on freedom action in the struggle for existence" and as a "Philosophically is a differentiation of social from anti-social conduct." He stated that humans have no ethics when it comes towards environment. Aldo compares humans to the Greek mythology king Odysseus' and the environment as his slave girls whom are considered to be property. The second section "The Community Concept" described how humans don't have a notion of community with the rest of the populations who inhabit the earth.

He provided different examples that have happened across the United States and the rest of the world where humans have not placed themselves among the earth community. Instead humans rank themselves as above and better than the world's organisms. In the third section "The Ecological Conscience" Aldo emphasized the importance of education about the environment. The fourth section titled "Substitutes for Land Ethics" depicts the "liue" (misrepresentations) that people default to when they are trying to use land ethics. Aldo went into detail about how if the animal or plant has no "economic value" then they are deemed worthless to some. People seem use economic value to justify not following a code of land ethics, especially when dealing with those "worthless" plants or animals. "The Land Pyramid" described an organized structure. The...