who am i as a producer and a consumer?

Essay by indiasaidCollege, UndergraduateB, November 2014

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Who Am I As A Producer And A Consumer?

India Said

Media, Power, and Culture

Maja Bajac-Carter

October 12, 2014

Who Am I As A Producer And A Consumer?

Everyday we are constantly consuming media, whether it be listening to music during a workout or checking instagram to see how many likes you received on the last picture you posted. Personally, I consume the bulk of media from my phone. I text my family and friends several hours out of the day, it is the main way we get information to each other. Everyday I listen to music, whether it comes from Pandora or the music library on my phone, while I do homework. Believe it or not, music helps me swiftly get my homework done on a regular basis. On my phone, I have all of my social media platforms. I check my twitter, instagram, pinterest, and snapchat everyday to see what my friends are currently doing and I occasionally find news on these platforms as well.

If the news is important enough word will spread quickly and that is where I become a producer of media. Depending on how serious the news is, I will verbally tell my roommate or call my mom, reproducing the media I consumed from social media. For instance, Ebola was found in Akron. The news was released on Twitter and many Kent State students retweeted the tweet from President Warren assuring us that Ebola was contained and not directly on campus. Already freaked out, my floor mates rushed to my room panicking about the virus on campus. Based on what they consumed from the media (twitter), they reproduced it by warning everyone on the floor. Aside from my phone, I also consume media from the shows I watch everyday...