American Dreams in Mississippi

Essay by ldpdmjUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, February 2004

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American Dreams In Mississippi

Consumers, Poverty, & Culture 1830-1998

Ted Ownby was born on July 1,1960, in Knoxville, Tennessee. He is the son of Bill and Mary Ownby. For his education he attended Vanderbilt University for his bachelor degree in 1982, received his masters degree at Johns Hopkins University in 1984, and his Ph.D in 1987. He is now an associate professor of history and southern studies at the University of Mississippi. He is a member of the American Historical Association, Organization of American Historians, and Southern Historical Association. He has written only two books, American Dreams In Mississippi and Subduing Satan. The point he was trying to make with this book was that he was trying to make people understand how consumer, poverty, and culture played a part in history then and now.

This novel covers the periods of the 1800s to the 1900s. The main topics are how consumer goods were bought, debt, and how people escaped being in debt.

Another topic could be how people used and shopped for goods. This book was mainly about writers from Mississippi who had different opinions about consumer and poverty issues. The writers are William Faulkner, William Alexander Percy, Richard Wright, and Eudora Welty. Faulkner did not accomplish too much on the consumer issues, he worked in slow rhythms, but he stayed positive about the changes in consumer culture. Richard Wright was a radical Mississippian, who criticized the consumer culture. Eudora Welty was more concerned with inner lives than public and political issues. She did not join any of the others in condemning consumers. During the 18th century, men did most of the shopping for their household. Buying expensive gifts and goods was always the way to go for people who had the money to buy them. Debt was...