Analysis of the article: "Who needs Harvard?" by Nancy Gibbs and Nathan Thornburgh (Time magazine)

Essay by UlzhanUniversity, Bachelor's September 2006

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"Harvard is marvelous, but you don't have to go

there to get your foot in the door of life."

Gregg Easterbrook

Does an Ivy League's universities degree mean the best future? It seems like if you graduated from Harvard or Princeton, it is your pledge of success; to be a student at an elite school is a desideratum of almost all students, it is imagined as a golden ticket. Youth is ecstatic at the idea of being accepted to the "best universities". But people step by step understand, that future high salary, job at a big corporation, prestigious status is not results of the brand of the college, but of the hard working and purposefulness.

Nancy Gibbs and Nathan Thornburgh in their article "Who needs Harvard" in "Time" magazine try to encourage students to choose beyond the brand to the real benefits the college has to offer. According to this article, there is nothing except well-known name; widely-distributed brand; and, I totally agree, "The Ivy League" is just a name, a brand that does not guarantee anything.

The main idea of the article is the issue that student can have a great future, a good school degree and amusing college life without attending the "Ivy League" universities. The authors concentrating on audience, in this case it is represented by the general reading public.

The authors used some tips to take an attention of the audience. First of all it is a making reader to imagine as a high-school student or as a college counselor. It makes audience to deeply involve in the topic. Also; the same aim to arouse readers interest in the article have the questions in the introduction paragraphs, for instance "Who gets into Yale these days anyway?", " Do they really think there are only 10 great...