Analysis of Early Civilizations Through Literature

Essay by icecold000College, UndergraduateA+, October 2004

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A culture that evolves and changes through time is a healthy culture indeed. From the early pagan warriors to the artisans of the Renaissance, the European world dramatically reformed. The literature of each era indicates the profound cultural innovations. The Anglo-Saxon's arguably most important literary piece, Beowulf, is a story of a brave warrior who fights Grendel. Grendel is described as, "A powerful monster, living down/ In the darkness..."(lines 1-2). This affray demonstrates the timeless battle of good versus evil. The universal struggle is maintained in the Medieval plight for an ideal of perfect chivalry. Knights were guarded with utmost respect and sincerity as Chaucer's "The General Prologue" from The Canterbury Tales mentions, "There was a Knight, a most distinguished man, / Who from the day on which he first began / To ride abroad had followed chivalry," (lines 43-45). Although the fight of good versus evil is consistent, the moral code is held above pure strength in battle.

The Renaissance period was more focused on ideals of intelligence and the arts rather than bravery or actions in battle. Sonnets and rhyming verse were very popular and the most famous were often love stories as was "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." For example, the lines, "And I will make thee beds of roses, / And a thousand fragrant posies" (lines 9-10) express an ideal of romance and nature. The literature of these three time periods proves they are each very unique. However each culture stems from the previous development and are therefore similar. The Anglo-Saxon, Medieval and Renaissance eras each possess characteristics of warfare, leadership, and religion that intertwine and reticulate among themselves.

The Anglo-Saxon period paved the way for years to come by forming a basic civilization to be shaped and molded into the world, as we know...