A analysis of William shakespeare's play Macbeth. This essay comments on how the lead character Macbeth changes in the play, in Act 1 scene 3 to Act 3 scene 1.

Essay by wingkJunior High, 9th grade April 2004

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Show how and why Macbeth's characters changes in these sections as a brave and loyal warrior to an unscrupulous deceitful murderer

Macbeth changed from a brave and loyal warrior in Act 1 scene3, to a unscrupulous and deceitful murderer in Act3 scene 1. The witch's predictions had an enormous effect on Macbeth. They appeared to have struck upon a vein of evil in him, and evil took over with his ambition, which led to the murder of King Duncan. In Act 3 scene 1, he is consumed by his own thoughts, and he masks his true feelings behind a veil of words, and is his sense of insecurity ultimately leads him to his downfall.

In the first scene, he is portrayed as a virtuous and courageous man. We know Macbeth is a courageous man, because the king received messages from the battle, finding him in, "stout Norwegian ranks/Nothing afraid of what thyself didst make".

This depicts how even the king has great respect for his abilities as a warrior. Furthermore, Rosse says, " hail most worthy Thane/For it is thine." This shows not just the king, but all the other lords have great respect for him as well.

However, this all changes for the second scene. His reputation as a good man has gone. He has been consumed by the evil inside of him, and his deceit overcomes anything good still inside him. He uses underhand methods to kill Banquo, who used to be Maspeth's good friend. "Both of you/ Know Banquo was your enemy." He hires two dog-like characters to kill him, "masking the businesss from the common eye", which shows how Macbeth has become full of deception,.

After the witches speak to Macbeth, we see a dramatic change in him. It is as if they have touched...