Analyze How Renaissance Art Was A Reflection Of The New Humanistic Learning Of The Period.

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate October 2001

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How was renaissance art a reflection of the new humanistic teachings of the time period? This is a very complicated question, however with a fairly simple way to determine a reasonable answer. In order to determine the answer of this question you must first define the meaning of humanism, and second cite various artists and art that will prove your argument. The argument being that renaissance art was a reflection of the humanistic learning of the period because much art came from educated nobles learned in humanism, art was conveyed with more realism in humanist interest, the classical past inspired much renaissance art, and humanist ideas such as neo-platonism gave much freedom to renaissance artists. All of these topics will serve to prove the argument and offer you an understanding of Humanism and Renaisaance art.

First I will give a brief definition of Humanism. Humanism is a form of education that became popular during the Italian renaissance.

Humanistic learning entailed an education similar to that of classical Roman or Greek education. It also included the rebuff of medieval scholarship, or scholasticism. Petrarch, thought to be the inventor of renaissance Humanism, believed that one's knowledge of classical past should be purely used for one's personal and private sastisfaction. Many Humanists disagreed and used their skills to help their city-state, or to answer current questions. Humanists many of whom were inspired by classical literature took a positive view of human nature, Medievalists on the other hand looked down on human nature and its sinful ways. This difference in beliefs allowed humanists to possess interests in the natural world which encouraged Humanist creativity.

Second, I will give a citing of various artists and practices that show a connection between Renaissance art and Humanism. The first connection between renaissance art and Humanism is...