An Anatomy of Animal Farm – A Fairy Tale

Essay by silverbullet1412High School, 10th gradeA+, February 2008

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"From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his needs" is the concept suggested by Karl Marx in 1848: Communism! This Utopian idea has not only convinced many great minds in history, it also completely changed the government of certain nations and irreversibly influenced the course of history. In George Orwell’s novella Animal Farm, published in 1945, some animals on a farm called “Manor Farm” in England face the same problem. As the name suggests, the ruling system on the farm resembles that of feudalism in Medieval Europe, under which the animals have to work for their protection. Oppressed by their master Mr. Jones, the animals decide to rebel and follow the ideals once proposed by a wise boar, Old Major. The rebellion is foolhardy but successful: Mr. Jones has to capitulate. This new philosophy of an equal world is called “Animalism”. The pigs, naturally being the smartest animals, have started to manage the farm.

They enjoy certain prerogatives like having milk and apples for their hard mental work. Two young pigs emerge as their leaders: Snowball and Napoleon, each having a different view on Animalism. Snowball, portrayed as a pacific intellectual, wants to promote Animalism through building a windmill that can generalize electricity – a modernization that will, if it succeeds, radically help their economy. Napoleon strongly opposes this plan because it will take a lot of time and energy that the animals need to survive. While Snowball is focused on edifying the animals to read and write, Napoleon teaches a group of puppies the principles of Animalism. Later during a meeting, Napoleon’s dogs attack Snowball and chase him out of Animal Farm. Afterwards, Napoleon usurps the power and makes himself the legitimate leader of the animals, which receives no strident criticism at all. Over the...