
Essay by phuongyen2906 November 2014

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6Alcoholism 2012;48(2):99-105 Original Scientific Paper

Art therapy in the treatment of alcoholics

Mirijana Halu`an

Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Center »Sestre milosrdnice«, Zagreb, Croatia

Summary - Treatment through art therapy process lowers stress levels, re-

laxes, people communicate more freely, and this particular treatment affects

the people addicted to alcohol. Having moved from the usual method of

communication allows them personal creativity, freedom, and telling the

truth through the images. Selection of their images is a result of internal

thought processes that are difficult to express through words. Art therapy

helps boost creative thinking and creating positive change, reduces emo-

tional tension and activates multiple sensory systems. Various problems

that are handled through art therapy cover emotions, communication prob-

lems and interpersonal relationship problems within the family. Along with

art therapy it's common to listen to music at the same time (Mozart,


Keywords: Addiction to alcohol, art therapy, emotions, communication,

family relationships.

In the multidisciplinary approach and finding methods that will affect the patient's

self-regulation and activate their potentials in perception and in solving their own

problems, art therapy has a significant place.1

Treatment of people addicted to alcohol through art therapy process lowers stress

levels, relaxes and patients communicate more freely. Having moved from the usual

method of communication allows patients personal creativity, freedom, and telling


Correnspodence to:Mirijana Halu`an, Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital »Sestre milosrdnice«, Vino-

gradska 29, 10000 Zagreb, e-mail: D:\Alcoholism\Alcoholism 2-12\Haluzan.vp 17. veljaŁe 2013. 15:05:47

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story through the images. Selection of images is a result of internal thought process

that is difficult to express through words.2

Art therapy is a process of inner monologue of the individual, where the thought

process is creatively and openly expressed through drawings. Free symbolic...