
Essay by rocky322College, UndergraduateB+, October 2014

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Harminder Pal Singh

Prof Mr. Isaacs

Intro to Ethics

Professor 09/24/2014

Paper #1

In Sophocle's tragic play, Antigone, spirituality plays a larger part in the workings of the greek society. like in any other religion, fear of enraging God overpowers mans self judgment of ethics and righteousness. The characters of this play depict honor, glory and nobility. The Chorus, being the key character, consists of a group of elderly citizens of Thebes. By their help we can see how the common man is fooled by his power and how often he oversteps his bounds by taking his pride as logic.

A great battle as been put to an end by the death of two rival brothers, Polynices and Eteocles. Polynices is considered a traitor as he disrupts the peace of the city of Thebes. The new king Creon denies him any burial rites. Blinded by his pride he does not take in account that his pride might dispose the gods or his countrymen.

Meanwhile, Antigone, who is the sister of Polynices, rebels Creon's and believes her brothers soul would not receive peace unless he is buried. Displaying great honor and courage, she goes forth with the burial. while she mourns for his death, we hear from the chorus. At their first arrival we conclude that they respect and fear Creon's reign. Although being wise and godly men, they dismiss Polynices and praise Creon's edict. The sentry guarding polynices's corpse inform the enraged ruler, the corpse was given a proper burial and the culprit still not has been found. "Sunbeam, of all that ever drawn upon…the aspiring lord of Argos onward press" The chorus suggests it being God's doing. During this time we see the elders considering Gods law over Creons. Dismissing them, Creon believes that the Gods would not...