Anwar Sadat: The Totalitarian System

Essay by trufflerubyJunior High, 9th gradeA-, May 2014

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Zachary Jörin

Mr. Emery

Honors Humanities 9

19 March 2014

The Assassination of a Beloved President: Anwar Sadat

The dictionary defines assassination as: the killing of somebody, especially a political leader or public figure, by a sudden violent attack. The death of Anwar Sadat fits ideally into this category; not only was he an important political leader, but someone who was loved by his own country of Egypt and his bereavement took the nation by shock and left them in a politically unstable 'environment'. Following; the face of the government was forced to become politically independent by changing their system. Sadat's murder left the people in a state of worry. A worry about what would happen to their country. The death of Anwar Sadat raised many questions about the direction the nation would take in the upcoming years.

Anwar Sadat was the third President of Egypt- elected on October 15 of 1970.

He was, politically, an outstanding world leader during his time and was loved by many citizens not just in Egypt but in other cities, and countries. Sadat gained the trust and support of many because of the actions he took and the morals he possessed. Sadat's main motives during his campaign were to create an economically stable country and bring peace between Egypt and its longtime foe, Israel. He was a strong and independent leader who was capable of succeeding in many things and this was apparent when he earned the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize for entering into peace agreements with Israel (Arthur. 81). His acceptance of the prize earned him much respect further more making him a strong leader.

The four military men that ended up assassinating him became a crucial part in the end of his life. These four men were part of a known terrorist...