How is the architecture of modern football stadia similar to that of the Colosseum and how does it differ?

Essay by hurdygurdy123College, UndergraduateA-, April 2004

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This essay will attempt to assess what similarities and differences exist, if any, between the Colosseum and modern football stadia; and where there are similarities what governs their application.

One striking similarity between the Colosseum and many modern stadia is an oval shaped seating arrangement. This is because both have a functional requirement to provide large crowds with good visibility. Also the Coloseum and most modern stadia have a number of entrances that can safely deal with large crowds. For example Wembley's lettered, arched entrances are similar to the numbered arches of the Colosseum. Furthermore at modern stadia the entrance of players via a tunnel under the seating reflects that of the gladiators at the Colosseum.

Although both have used the most up to date building materials to create impressive landmarks; the application of today's building materials has meant that architects of modern stadia have been able to articulate facades in a wider variety of ways than was possible for Roman architects.

As such the facades of most modern stadia are radically different to that of the Colosseum. Yet some stadia have still chosen to mimic aspects of the Colosseum. For example the columns and arched windows articulating the façade of Wembley's main entrance; or the two tiers of arcades and series of columns that articulate the façade of Berlin's oval shaped Olympiastadion. By copying

aspects of the Colosseum's façade, architects of modern stadia are suggesting that these buildings are of a similar importance.

Although the Colosseum and modern stadia have both used the most up to date methods to create impressive landmarks, the articulation of facades is generally very different. The exception seems to be when modern stadia want to appear similarly important and imposing. In fact most similarities occur because similar functional requirements demand similar solutions.