Aristotle Biography

Essay by TimJimJunior High, 7th gradeA-, October 2007

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Aristotle was a famous Greek philosopher, scientist, teacher, and writer. Without some of his contributions, we might still be thinking that there are no planets revolving around the sun. Did you know that Aristotle made his theory of planets on the top of his roof?Some of the contributions that Aristotle made to Greece and the Mediterranean World included, the introduction of the idea of planets revolving around one main planet or sun. He was the first person to tell and write people about Rhetoric. (The art or skill of speaking or writing well). He also wrote about 25 books on a many of subjects. Another big contribution Aristotle made was the theory of Syllogism which helped people of Rome and Greece to prove their points better. He also made Aristotle’s Politics. In this paper you will earn about Aristotle and his contributions made to us and the Mediterranean World.

Aristotle was born in 384 B.C. in Stagira, Greece into a Catholic family. Aristotle was an only child in his family, and unfortunately his mother and father both died when Aristotle was about five years old. Soon after that, Aristotle got a guardian named Proxenus. Proxenus taught and raised Aristotle until he went into Plato’s school in Greece. After twelve years of learning Plato died. After Plato passed away, Aristotle bought a house of his own and studied on philosophy and science for about two – five years. Then, he taught Alexander for five years teaching him math, science, strategy in battle (because he Alexander wanted to be a general), and Greek mythology. After about five years of teaching, Alexander and his family decided he was ready to stop learning. About five to ten years after Alexander stopped learning from Aristotle, he was known as Alexander the Great.

In between those five years Aristotle went back to studying at his house. While studying he ran into a woman at the forum. The girls name was Pithias, the adopted daughter of King Amyntas II of Macedonia. Pithias and Aristotle soon got married and Pithias moved into Aristotle’s house. About five years into the marriage Alexander the Great died and they charged Aristotle of “poisoning his mind” (which he didn’t) and Aristotle fled to Chalcis, Greece. None of the people trying to find him did, so he lived in Chalcis for a while and died of old age at 62 in 322 B.C.

The importance of the contributions Aristotle made were tremendous. He brought up the idea of the planets revolving around one sun or planet, which was important because today we might still be thinking there might not be other planets in our system. We might think that only the moon revolves around. We might have never had space exploration if it was not for him. (There are many other things I could say that would not be helpful to our world and intelligence.) He wrote books about logic, Rhetoric, (most known) physiological works, works on natural history, and philosophical works. These books (which were all recover) help us today to study about him, and learn from his books. Another great thing Aristotle did was Aristotle’s Politics. Aristotle’s Politics is one of the most influential and enduring texts in political philosophy in all of history. The Aristolean Politics is very hard to understand and is very complicated. But the thing that happened when he made this was all of the Mediterranean world’s politics were changed and altered. Not the things like democracy, monarchy, etc., but the way they elected people into becoming a ruler of their city. And Aristoleans Politics (though rare) can be used today.

Aristotle was also the first person to write a book on Rhetoric (The art or skill of speaking or writing well). This book (which is still around today) influenced many people of Greece to become great speakers or writers. Aristotle also contributed to biology by classifying about 120 plants and animals. He also made a theory called Syllogism. Syllogism is pretty much another way of proving your point. Even though Syllogism does not work 100% of the time, it is very effective when it does work. An example would be, all dogs have four legs, a pug is a dog, so it has four legs.

Aristotle was and is a very important person and contributed to a lot of subjects, Greece’s time, and in our time. He made theories, wrote books, classified animals, and he also taught Alexander the Great. Without Aristotle we would learn or think about things the same., Paul. Aristotle’s Life. Boston University 2000. Boston, MASS