Arranged marriages.

Essay by ssony123 May 2003

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Find her a husband!

Thesis: Even though arranged marriages have their downsides, if thought about in a logical manner, the risk taken is less than that of a love marriage.

I.Disadvantages of Love Marriages

a.Basis for marriage

b.Idealistic illusion

II.Advantages of Arranges Marriages

a.Cultural preservation

b.Maintaining social stability

c.Willingness to change

d.Parental approval

III.Application to different circumstances


Find her a husband!

Marriage is the union of two people committed to the preservation of culture, economic status and the general well being of one's spouse. Married people tend to support one another in more ways than just love and affection, including financial assistance, the maintenance of social status and protection. "Coming to arranged marriages, they offer more protection, security to the women" (Mijar.) But the majority of people tend to disregard these factors as they are mere reliant on the 'power of love.' However, too many important issues are disregarded as love appears to drown them out.

As stated by Nippy Singh, "This is because the love that brings a couple together is not the love that keeps them together Even though arranged marriages have their downsides, if thought about in a logical manner, the risk taken is less than that of a love marriage.

"For many years marriage was considered more like a business investment. A woman would be introduced to a man or men by her relatives, or a company. She would then try to match herself with a man whom she thought would be a good provider for her children" (Danchan.) and in such a person, whether or not love was present is indifferent for these points do not relate to love directly as they are more if a priority in a marriage. Sure it's nice to love and be loved,