Assessing Karl Marx's Alienated Labor (Philo 104 position paper)

Essay by esotericlsdCollege, UndergraduateB+, December 2006

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Karl Marx's alienated labor suggests that after the eradication of all private properties, all types of dehumanization and injustice will be eliminated. But will it? Proletariats during his time work for the sole reason of sustaining his and his family's lives, like that of an animal. The workers wage then was not enough to let them enjoy its rewards. But is it still true today? I believe it is, in some parts of the world, yet not as extreme as what prevailed during industrial revolution. Modern societal structures even have laws which promote human rights and assert minimum wage for workers. But what concerns me is the after effect of the eradication of private properties. Are private properties really the cause of inequality? Perhaps during Marx's time and what has transpired then - yes.

Societal structure plays a significant role in each individual's life. Each day, even in our own homes, we deal with things mostly in accordance to what is accepted based on the standards society has set.

Societal structure becomes more essential as a society progress through time. Although leaving man to live in a classless society where justice and equality reigns seems favorable as what Karl Marx's philosophy suggests, I personally believe otherwise.

In our modern society, private properties - as an attribute of a societal structure - are important. It helps a civilization for its survival and to sustain life for the next generation. Although finding the fullest expression of one's dignity is essential, this will not be possible in 'every moment' of a person's life. As a person, our body limits us. Therefore, others will work for the reason of survival at one point or pursue self expression in some moments of their lives. A compromise others take in this modern era.

Justice and equality...