Atticus The Approved Parent

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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Atticus the Approved Parent To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee reflects back to the Great Depression in the South. Scout and Jem Finch are siblings who live with their father Atticus Finch in the fictional town of Maycomb. The actions and words of Atticus's children reflect his morals and beliefs. Atticus's personal integrity, good morality, and his reasoning ability make him an exceptionally, effective parent.

Atticus is an individual who is one of the few who live by principle not on tradition. In the little town named Maycomb, tradition for most people meant prejudice, separation, and racism. Atticus Finch chose to fight against the old traditions of his own. "...several Maycomb townspeople who see through the fog of the past, and who act not on tradition but on principle." (Erisman 43). He beliefs that white or black should be treated with respect. He does not judge people by their beliefs because he understands that his beliefs are different than others.

Atticus is not at typical man of Maycomb, even though he is a member of one of the oldest families in the area. "He is presented as a Southern version of Emersonian man, the individual who vibrates to his own iron sting, the one man in the town that the community trusts "to do right" as they deplore his peculiarities." (Erisman, 43) Through Atticus, Jem, and Scout, the children he is rearing according to his lights. These standards that are put on Atticus effect Jem and Scout's decisions and thinking. Atticus' freedom to live and work as an individual came at a price. He was faced with harassment and displeasure to gain it. " In this development of this habit he is aided by a strong regard for personal principle, even as he recognizes the difficulty that it brings...