The Aurorae- what causes the beautiful light displays. What impact does it have on Earth?

Essay by yankee842 December 2003

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The Aurorae

The "Northern Lights" of the aurora borealis are among nature's most beautiful

sights. This light is created by high energy particles that stream from the Sun

and collide with the Earth's atmosphere. The aurorae is not an occasional

occurence in nature, they are a permanent feature of the Earth's upper

atmosphere. Auroral displays vary in intensity, and sometimes they fade away to

almost nothing. But they are always there.

There are aurorae in both hemispheres of the Earth the aurora borealis is

around the North Pole and the aurora australis around the South Pole. The

auroral display stretches high into the atmosphere. In an auroral display,

charged particles from the Sun strike the atoms and molecules of the Earth's

atmosphere, causing them to glow. This stream of particles is called the solar

wind: it radiates continuously from the Sun's corona at over 300 miles per


Aurorae appear in many colors because each gas in the atmosphere glows a

different hue when struck by solar particles.

The color also varies according

to both the electrical state and concentration of the gas. When solar particles

strike oxygen atoms, the atoms glow either green or red. In the lower

atmosphere, there is mostly a green glow because the concentration of oxygen

atoms is high. In the upper atmosphere there are fewer oxygen atoms. The rate

of collision between oxygen atoms is less, to red auroral display predominate.

Particle collisions with nitrogen are responsible for blue and purple displays,

depending on whether the nitrogen atoms are charged (ionized) or not.

Although aurorae are ever-present, they are also ever-changing. Satellites

such as the IMP-8 (Interplanetary Monitoring Platform) have monitored the solar

wind. From their observations we know that aurorae are at their most

spectacular when the solar wind blows fiercely enough...