B2C and B2B Supply Chain Differences

Essay by salthurmondUniversity, Bachelor'sA-, July 2007

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Electronic business is often defined as a business which relies on an automatic system of information. This means that one conducts his or her business with the use of a technology such as the internet. Business executives make use of the internet in order to communicate with their customers as well as their business partners. This is very useful because it saves travel time and it makes negotiations possible overseas.

The internet proved to help in solving the costs of long distance communication. The internet made communication easier, faster and is mainly through this that business minded people saw the value of business through the internet. The convenient uses of the internet are also one of the prime assets which business people found on this automatic system of information.

There are two categories from where electronic business falls; Business to Consumer and Business to Business. Supply chain differs considerably from a Business to Consumer (B2C) site as compared to a Business to Business (B2B) site.

The difficulty levels between the transactions of a B2B site as compared to a B2C site are very different. A B2B site conducts transactions between a business and another business. B2C sites conduct transactions between a company or a business and a consumer. B2C is a term used for a company which transacts business through the internet by selling goods or services to a customer online. B2C is more often described as online selling, trading, and the like. EBay is one example of a business which is conducted through the internet. The customers would only have to go online to select and buy their purchases. Another example of a B2C site is Amazon.com. Amazon.com does all their retailing online and thus is the perfect example for a B2C site.

In a B2C e-commerce the focus...