Balkins. should the U.S. intervene in the internal conflicts of the Balkans?

Essay by smartchick4uHigh School, 10th gradeA+, November 2003

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Problem Solving Activity



People around the world always have different opinions about everything that we do. One of the on going debates right now that people are discussing is whether or not the United States should intervene in the internal conflicts of the Balkans. There are several assumptions and questions that should be explored. The Balkans does not suggest the need for human intervention. This area has always had a history of problems and has always worked it out before. The United States is being effected negatively. It is great that the U.S. wants to help but we are not able to help all the way. If the emotion and opinions are taken away it comes down to whether or not it is lawful or justified under the UN charter for the U.S. to intervene. The law states that it is not lawful to intervene if the state has not asked you to.

I believe that the United States should not intervene so much in the internal conflicts of the Balkans.

The Balkans does not suggest the need for human intervention. They can use the support but we do not need to go over there and take over. The Serbs who are armed and supplied are against the Muslims and have made the Muslims suffer. They were fired from their jobs so they have no money for food and houses (Current Events, 2). They need support in that way, not by soldiers running around in the streets. There has always been an ethnic tension in this area. From 1945 to 1990, the hatred was muted under communism (Current Events, 2). After the communist system ended in the early 1900s, long-hidden ethnic tensions erupted into full view (Boehm, 288). Many think that we need...