Baroque Versus Mannersitic Painting Styles

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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ICT Section 14 Dr.Quantrille William Kulesa Mannerist Painting Versus Baroque Painting Styles As a mannerist style painting Michelangelo Buonarroti's The Last Judgment is a perfect example. It was completed recently after the sack of Rome and reflects the mindset of that time perfectly. This is reinforced by the fact that it is done after but in the same vicinity as Michelangelo's previous works of the Renaissance. Caravaggio's The Supper at Emmaus on the other hand reflects Baroque style perfectly. It is clear to anyone viewing the piece the pure flamboyance of their actions as well as the illusionistic effects using shadows and perspective.

The Last Judgment takes the mindset of a culture in turmoil and applies it to canvas. The doubt of the Christian community is also plain to see within this piece. The figures within it are distorted, as opposed to Michelangelo's previous Renaissance works which went to great lengths to depict people naturally and proportionate.

The balance of his previous pieces is in no way present here, in The Last Judgment we see a people in agony and despair(Fiero 4:9).

Michelangelo was a key renaissance artist. He was a great contributor to the culture of the time, to see his style and subject so changed and tormented must tell something to those of us who study his time period and life. Christian culture at the time was in a period of great turmoil and doubt. It is seen quite clearly in his works and the works of his fellows.

Within Caravaggio's Supper at Emmaus we see a group of gentlemen sitting around a table in what seems to be a restaurant or tavern of some kind. Though the setting seems to be simple and straightforward the mood of the painting is extraordinary. The very realistic ness...