Bats and their camoflauge, as well as common bat myths.

Essay by supremechampionMiddle School, 6th gradeB+, June 2003

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Bats: A world of camoflauge

NOSE: The sense of smell is well developed in most bats. It is used to find and identify certain foods and to recognize roost mates and young. Fruit eating bats can find their food by the smell of the ripening fruit. Nectar seeking bats gather pollen on their snout, and by going from flower to flower help create new plants.

EYES: Bats are not blind! For example, flying fox bats have very good eyesight and they use their eyes along with their excellent sense of smell to help find food in the dark. Bats' eyes are better at seeing in the dark. Most see objects only in black and white, but color vision is known to exist in some old world fruit bats.

FEET: With their strong claws, bats are able to hang upside down in their roosts. Fishing bats also use their claws to scoop up the fish they will eat.

HANDS AND WINGS: Bats fly by using their hands and wings. While the wings are flapping, bats can go up or down by moving the membrane between the body and fifth finger. This is called "lift." Bats move forward (called "thrust") by changing the shape of the membrane between the second and fifth fingers.

BODY: You can tell that a bat is a mammal because it has fur or hair on its body. The fur protects the bat because different colors and designs can serve as camouflage and they can hide from danger. The fur is kept clean by regular licking, somewhat like what a cat does. In the winter it helps keep the bat warm.

Bats help the environment bats help control the insect

For example.

Don't want mosquitoes?

A single little brown bat can catch 600 Mosquitoes

in just one hour.