Best Snacks Generic Benchmarking Worksheet

Essay by DepswahUniversity, Master'sA+, July 2009

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Generic Benchmarking WorksheetTask A: Problem/Opportunity StatementInstructions for Task A: In the Response row, write out the problem/opportunity statements for the scenario for each of the team members.

Response to Task A:Best Snacks can make radical innovation and creativity a vital part of the organization's culture, the CEO believes that it can become the best in the market as the first company to accomplish this in the consumer snacks industry.

Generic Benchmarking-The purpose of generic benchmarking is to identify potential solutions to the problem statements defined in Task A. You will do this by looking at how companies in other industries have dealt with similar issues.

Task B1: Generic Benchmarking: TopicsInstructions for Task B1: In the Response row, identify the topics for which you need information in order to identify potential solutions to the problems identified in Task A.

•In the Response row, list three to five topics that you will research in peer-reviewed journals, on Web sites, and in popular publications such as magazines and newspapers.

•In the Response row, provide a justification for each topic.

Response to Task B1:Innovation and creativityThe Innovation and creativity Best Snacks wants to create has to be addressed with the mission and vision for this change in the organization. Change for the sake of change is not always the best thing to do. Change can be all at once or it can be systematic. The survey taken is a good step toward the Innovation and creativity that the organization desires. The change has to be from top to bottom and the overall learning culture of the organization has to be addressed within the industry and within the company. The CEO, who has been with the company for six months, believes that cultural transformation is critical to the future of the organization. She has asked...